This Moment

Alvin Kanpura
Pacious Life
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2015

This moment is the only thing that matters. The future is your imagination and the past is your memory telling you stories that are only half true, but this moment is for real, it’s the only real thing that exist.

You might be confused and wondering “What the hell is he talking about?”. I am talking about the NOW, the Present.

Most of us (me included) live in either the past or the future. These are worlds that doesn’t exist. We created the calendar and time, it’s not real. There’s really no tomorrow or yesterday. There’s only NOW. The past is our memory and the future is our imaginations. The Now on the other hand is where we live in, it’s where our actions matter. It’s where we can make change and create things.

But I get it, it’s comfortable to live in the past because we’ve seen and done it, so there’s nothing new to fear for. And the future, well it’s our imagination, so the reason it’s cozy is because we imagine it would be that way. We imagine that our future will be great. All our problems will be solved, all our fears will be gone leaving only happiness and success. It’s not true, but it’s what most of us believe.

We need to understand that it’s only Now that matters, not tomorrow nor yesterday. I challenge you to try to live in this moment, in the now. Do it at your own capacity, whether that be 2 minutes or 2 hour, it doesn’t matter. Do it! Tune out the social media and emails, and look/feel/smell your environment. Live in the moment. Give the people close to you more attention, care and love.

Trust me, if you do this everyday, you will notice that you’re life will change. You will start to become this grateful, happy and satisfied person. And when you stop procrastinating things and blaming your past, you will much more likely get more things done, because you will start taking action NOW.

Our life on this planet is a privilege, don’t wait too long to realize that.



Alvin Kanpura
Pacious Life

My thoughts on Politics, Economics and sometimes Movies. Hopefully you'll find witty insights from this blog