Weekly Process + Semester Schedule

Packaging Design ART434, Fall 2018

Brigette Davitt
Packaging Design
11 min readAug 20, 2018


Weekly Process/Semester Schedule

This will be updated each week to keep you informed about what is due in your process documentation for grading. Process/assignments due must be uploaded each week by Friday at 9am for grading. No late process work will be graded. No process=0/4.0.
Tips: Create and post screen shots/scans/photos of your process to Medium as you work. Most written assignments can be completed directly in your process documentation. Make this a habit as you work and you will never need to go back and update to meet the weekly process deadline.

Please use this as a general guide, details and revisions will be added as the semester progresses.

Week 11
11/6 Project 4: Class Critique of Initial Maquettes
Three maquettes of potential final packaging forms:
Build #1, then observe & evaluate your 1st attempt
Build #2, then observe & evaluate your 1st and 2nd attempts
Build #3, then observe & evaluate your 1st and 2nd and 3rd attempts
You should try different things with each maquette and focus on the overall form, materials and usability. Do not focus on small tweaks at this time, we can address those details during critique.
Record all of this in your process.

11/8 Class will begin at 9:30am
Project 4 Class Critique
Revised Macquette (Functioning!)+ Initial Design Explorations (PRINTED)
Be sure to consider these areas in your design solution:
Concept (#1!) and its relationship to the following…
Branding (Research/Usage/Coherence for Existing Brand, OR development of new brand)
Required Product Information
Adherence to Brief Guidelines

Week 12
11/13 Project 4: Class Critique of 1st Finish
Development Boards: Examples, Content, Design
11/14 Project 4: Individual Critique of 2nd Finish
Work Day:
Revising Projects 1–3 and plans for in-class studio shoot, organizing and editing development board content for Project 4

Week 13
Please use this week to make revisions to project 1–4, print & assemble all final pieces for photographing, and have a detailed plan for shooting each piece.
11/20 — No Class
11/22 — No Class, Thanksgiving
Monday 11/26 (or earlier): everyone must pitch in to clean and organize the production studio (throw out all trash/paper scraps/misprints, remove any personal belongings or old projects, clean all surfaces & equipment). If we have to spend time doing this in class we may not have enough time to shoot everyone’s work next week.

Week 14
11/27 Photo Documentation:
Projects 1 & 2
11/28 Photo Documentation:
Projects 3 & 4
Project 4: Individual Critique: Starpack Development Boards please printed at full scale and trim. Low-quality, non-studio images of your final project should be used FPO (for placement only) until your final images are ready.

Week 15
12/4 Project 1: Portfolio Documentation Workshop
Editing Photos/Creating Mock Ups, Example student portfolio project documentation, highlighting details, supporting elements and process
12/6 Projects 1 & 2: All documentation completed for upload to Behance portfolio, adding project content/credits/colophon/awards
Project 4: 2nd Finish Starpack Development Boards DUE for review/critique, complete Project 4 Evaluation

Week 16: Finals Week
12/11 8am-10am
STARPACK DUE to enter into competition.
1 Final Copy of Printed/Assembled Starpack project + Development Boards (printed high quality and trimmed on final paper)
Your project will not be returned, so please make a second copy for yourself
12/14 8am-10am

Final Presentations of Projects 1–4 via Behance

Attend the Sr. Portfolio Review/Exhibition! 5–7pm, 2nd Floor Doucette
Senior Party to follow — details TBA


Week 10

10/30 Project 4 DUE: 2 (general) Idea Boards (one for each of 2 chosen briefs)
11/1 Project 4 DUE: Refined Idea Board for final direction with the following: Extensive research on company/product/brief requirements, goals and outcomes explained in brief and how you plan to address them both formally and conceptually through your format/design solution, and initial sketches of MULTIPLE ideas/directions for form and visual design.

Week 9

10/23 Project 3: 1st Finish, Class Critique/Work Day (post images of progress and answers to 3 critique questions on Medium)
10/25 Project 3: DUE
[Present + Collect] Complete evaluation
Introduce Project 4: Student Starpack Awards 2019Week 8

10/16 Project 2: DUE [Present + Collect] Complete evaluation and post answers to 3 critique questions with images of final on Medium.
Introduce Project 3: $2 Splurchase
Project 3: Bring in original splurchase item and idea board for redesign (11x17, printed) and posted to Medium with all of the notes/documentation from the Experiential Research and Evaluation sections of the assignment for presentation/critique.
Post answers to 3 critique questions on Medium

Week 7

10/9 Reading Day
Send final PDF files of die line w/design and instructions for workshop by noon

10/11 High School Art Day Workshop 10:45am–12pm
Meet in Beehive, Library Rm 232 at 9am for class/workshop
DUE: Project 2: First Finish (Discuss your designs with the HS students, myself, and each other for feedback during workshop)

HS Art Workshop

  • Final PDF files of die line (Blank and w/design), instructions and list of materials
  • Images of final workshop project and photos of students during workshop and with completed project
  • Please fill out this evaluation for your HS Art Workshop Project by Monday at 9am. You may begin filling it out today in class, but cannot complete the evaluation until after the workshop concludes. I will be including this project with your first project to calculate your midterm grades, so it is important that this be submitted by the deadline.

Project 2: First Finish

  • Discuss your designs with the HS students, myself, and each other for feedback during class/workshop
  • Post images of 1st finish version and 3 critique questions to Medium

Week 6

Project 2 (Tuesday): Red and White Bottles/Labels Revisions, Champagne Bottle Initial Design w/box sketches & materials
• 3 Critique Questions
• Images of labels, bottles, box sketches & materials

Project 2 (Thursday): Red, White and Champagne Bottle w/Box First Finish
• 3 Critique Questions
• Images of labels, bottles, box design (printed, maybe assembled!) & materials

Team Assignment: High School Art Day Packaging Workshop
• Teammate
• Box or bag with die line, list of materials to make for 3–5 students

Tuesday, 10/2

Project 2: Red and White Bottles/Labels Revisions, Champagne Bottle Initial Design w/box sketches & materials
Class Critique
Print Finishes & Special Processes

Thursday, 10/4

Project 2: Red, White and Champagne Bottle w/Box First Finish
Class Critique

Workshop: Champagne Box Demo

Team Assignment: High School Art Day Packaging Workshop
Design Theme: Autumn (please include art.edinboro.edu on the bottom of your bag/box)
In teams of two, develop a die line, pattern design, how-to instructions and list of materials (xacto, tape, bag handles, tissue, sticker closers, etc,) needed to lead a group of 3–5 students in a Packaging Design High School Art Workshop:

Week 5: 9/25 and 9/27

Uploaded by 9am Friday, 9/28

Post 3 or more links to packaging resources, tutorials, die lines, supplies, etc.
Project 2:
Artist Wine Series
20 Thumbnail Sketches
Answers to 3 Critique Questions from individual instructor critique
1. What did I hear? Record ALL comments and feedback received during critique.
2. What do I think? Do you agree/disagree with what was said, and why.
3. What will I do next? How will you apply the information recorded in questions 1 and 2 to move forward in your final revision of your project?

Initial red, white and sparkling (if appropriate at this point) label/bottle designs
Answers to 3 Critique Questions from class critique

Tuesday, 9/25

Project 2: 20 Label Design Thumbnails & Ideas for Materials/Processes
Individual Instructor Critique
Resources for Materials & Processes
Research and post 3 links to online resources for materials, processes, etc. to share in class.

Thursday, 9/27

Project 2: Red and White Bottles/Labels Initial Designs (you may include the high end sparkling bottle design if appropriate at this point)
Class Critique

Week 4: 9/18 and 9/20

Uploaded by 9am Friday, 9/21
Project 1: (CULT)IVATE! Final Presentations + Feedback
Photos of final project (quick smart phone images are fine, these are just for reference/documentation). You may photograph your projects at the Beehive if you did not do this, please do not remove them as I am still grading.
Answers to 3 Critique Questions (record this now so you have it to look back on if/when you revise before final documentation at the end of the term)
1. What did I hear? Record ALL comments and feedback received during critique.
2. What do I think? Do you agree/disagree with what was said, and why.
3. What will I do next? How will you apply the information recorded in questions 1 and 2 to move forward in your final revision of your project?

Project 2: Wine Bottle Series
Initial research on 3 artists, choose top 2
2 idea boards (one artist per board)
Answers to 3 Critique Questions

Tuesday, 9/18

Project 1: Due (Present + Collect), Complete Self Evaluation
Project 2:
Contemporary Artist Wine Bottle Series

Thursday, 9/20

Project 2: 2 Idea Boards
Class Critique
Student and Professional Wine Bottle Examples

Week 3: 9/11 & 9/13

Uploaded by 9am Friday, 9/14:
Project 1: Photos of Box First Finish: box top/bottom/inside/outside, materials and insert, educational/how-to insert (front and back, digital), photo of initial shopping bag design (front, side, handles, tissue) and logo signature/lockup with tagline (black & white and color, digital)
3 Critique Questions

Tuesday, 9/11

Class Cancelled

Thursday, 9/13

Project 1: Box First Finish (final top/bottom/inside/outside, educational/how-to insert, Shopping Bag Initial Design (front and side, handles and tissue), Final Logo Signature/Lockup in B&W and Color
Class Critique

Week 2: 9/4 & 9/6

Uploaded by 9am Friday, 9/7:
Project 1: Images of initial wrapped box design (inside and out)
3 Critique Questions
Project 1: Images of box revisions with how-to card/inserts/contents
3 Critique Questions

Tuesday, 9/4

Project 1: Identity/Box Initial Design (laser printed, wrapped on box inside and out, but not permanently adhered yet!)
Class Critique
Demo/Work Day
: Custom Box Inserts and How-To Card
Bring your contents (items to complete your kit) and copy for the educational/how-to card

Left to Right: Bag Template, Example Design (Outside), Example Pattern (Inside)

Thursday, 9/6

Project 1: Box Revisions (with how-to card/inserts/contents)
Class Critique
Workshop/Demo: Shopping Bag Die Line/Assembly/Materials

Week 1: 8/28 & 8/30

Uploaded by 9am Friday, 8/31:
Project 1: (CULT)IVATE!
Logo sketches, 5 initial how-to box ideas
2 idea boards, 3 logo sketch revisions
Answers to 3 Critique Questions:
1. What did I hear? Record ALL comments and feedback received during critique.
2. What do I think? Do you agree/disagree with what was said, and why.
3. What will I do next? How will you apply the information recorded in questions 1 and 2 to move forward in expanding/revising your project?

Tuesday, 8/28

Review Course Materials
Set Up Medium Process Documentation
Introduce Project 1: Creative Culture
Workshop: Mindmapping/Idea Boards/Logo Thumbnail Brainstorming
Birchbox — Brand History and Packaging Design Concept/Execution

How to Use Mind Mapping

Example in-class mindmap for [CULT]IVATE!

How to Make a Mood Board/Idea Board/Big Picture Presentation

Organizing and highlighting your initial research, inspiration and the general concept/visual direction for your project into one space creates an effective overall ‘big picture’ presentation. It’s an efficient way to look at the whole and see what parts are working, what feels out of place, and what might be missing. For a graphic design project, your idea board should include the following types of information/visual reference: research, mind maps, content, concept, branding/logo ideas, typography, color palette, visual style, example imagery (photography, illustration, texture, pattern), formats, materials, existing design inspiration, etc.

Example Student Packaging Idea Boards

In-Class Logo Thumbnail Brainstorming Exercise

Quick, time-based logo sketching is a great way to brainstorm visually without getting bogged down in the details, or caught up in your own criticism. Make, then critique — do not attempt to do both simultaneously!
Step 1:
Each student writes 10 logo sketching prompts, focusing on common logo types/forms, style, design principles, and ideas related to the project.
Step 2: Read post it prompt to class and set timer for 1–2 minutes until post its or time runs out. Start a new sketch for each prompt.
Step 3: Now take a look at what you have (time to self critique!). Use these sketches as the starting point for adding more ideas, combining ideas, etc. then expand/revise. We’ll have a group critique of three tighter, revised sketches next class from each student.

Student-generated logo sketch prompts from today’s exercise:
Symbol that combines two or more things on the mind map
As many emblem shapes as you can draw in 1 minute
Wordmark — made of non-letter characters
Pictorial — Use existing symbols to make an image
Wordmark — tall, condensed type
Wordmark — ligatures
Emblem — breaks the shape it’s contained in
Pictorial — Word or image made of hands
Character — eyes, nose and mouth
Pattern in wordmark or icon
Wordmark — variations in line weight
Wordmark or letterform — bubble letters
Motion in a logo
Character — animal
Logo with texture (distressed, pixelated, out of focus…)
Wordmark — unicase
Abstract symbol
Letterform — Historical
Letterform — materials (string, cut paper, clay, metal, wood)
Wordmark or abstract symbol — continous line
Wordmark or abstract symbol — geometric
Wordmark or abstract symbol — made of squares/triangles/circles
Straight lines and dots
Emblem that is ornate/calligraphic
Lettermark — modern/abstract
Lettermark — script
Lettermark — visual substitution
Lettermark — contained in a shape
Wordmark — hand lettering
Pictorial — assemblage
Lettermark — transitional contrast
Wordmark — stacked type
Wordmark — 3D type
Wordmark — script type
Wordmark — bold
Wordmark — lowercase
Wordmark — various font styles
Logo — symmetrical/assymetrical
Lettermark — using pos/neg relationships

7 Types of Logos

1. Wordmarks

2. Letterforms

3. Emblems

4. Abstract Marks

5. Pictorial Marks

6. Dynamic Marks

7. Characters


•The more material you set down initially the more
options you have to explore.
•Work in an unconfined pictorial space — do not start
by working in a square or rectangular field.

•Do not start by working on the computer!

•Work with line and shape only. Continuous tone is not
permitted. If you want to create a sense of light and
volume do so by using hatching, cross-hatching,
stippling, etc.

  • Remember that logos are seen in many different ways — very small (on stationery) and very large (on signage). The style you use to create the images should work well on any scale. The sort of subtle detail you might use in an illustration will not always work in a logo. SIMPLIFY!

Thursday, 8/30

Project 1: 3 Revised Logo Sketches, 2 Idea Boards
Class Critique
Workshop/Demo: Creating a Box Die Line & Wrapping

Example Box Lid Die Line, Left: Trim & score marks w/ printed design’, Right: Trim & score marks w/ wrap outline (do not print!)

