5 Reasons To Invest In Custom Product Packaging For Your Business

Jana Iverson


How do you stand out as a business?

That’s a question that many business owners grapple with.

But, whether it’s a small company or a larger enterprise, standing out is important.

What many don’t realize is, companies that invest in custom packaging accomplish that — and save time and money while doing it.

Custom packaging not only gives businesses an edge, but it also offers the opportunity to get innovative.

Source: PakFactory

There are many reasons why custom packaging is worth the investment and we’ll dive into some of the most important ones below!

1. It is Financially Beneficial

Custom packaging helps businesses save money on many different fronts.

For businesses on a budget, custom packaging can provide a substantial return on investment.

Thanks to the capability of customization, custom packaging can be designed to fit into your budget.

For example; optimizing your packaging to be more efficient for shipping, will cost you much less in the long run.

That means that businesses can pass that reduced cost on to the consumer — ultimately leading to more sales.

Read more about how to save costs on your custom product packaging

Plus, with redesigned custom packaging, you can negotiate with shipping providers for lower shipping costs and delivery times.

Furthermore, instead of relying on standard sizes, you can tailor custom packaging to your needs and reduce additional packaging materials that your products might not actually need.

The more packages are delivered safely, the less you need to worry about product damage and ensuing returns and refunds.

2. It Makes a Good First Impression

One of the consistent themes that have emerged in retail is the importance of personalization.

Customers don’t want to feel like they’re one of many.

They want to feel connected to the brand they purchase from.

Businesses that invest in custom packaging can build that personal connection much faster and add their own unique touch.

There are two ways to accomplish this:

  • Packaging design
  • Branding

With custom boxes and packaging, your products create the right impression as soon as the customers receive your product.

Source: PakFactory

Moreover, you can add personal touches such as thank you notes, branded protective materials such as tissue paper, and other goodies to help create a more personal feel.

Including these elements not only helps improve the quality of your products but your brand too.

Custom product packaging makes your products look high-value, which further builds on your brand reputation and also helps products stand out from the very beginning.

3. Communicates Values with Customers

Customers want to shop with a brand that shares similar values and cares about the same issues.

As more customers become aware of their environmental footprint, they look to brands that share a similar commitment to the environment.

Custom packaging is worth the investment because you can communicate brand values by making it as eco-friendly as possible.

You can work with packaging experts to design custom product packaging that looks good, performs well, and is better for the environment.

Eco-friendly custom packaging helps your brand differentiate itself while also making a positive impact on customers.

With standardized packaging, it’s almost impossible to accomplish.

Instead, you can create custom packaging that fits your requirements and choose better materials and shipping methods for the environment.

Manufacturers and custom packaging experts can guide you on the best recyclable and reusable materials for your brand.

Plus, they can guide you on incorporating your branding into the custom packaging for maximum effect.

4. It is an Ad for your Brand

Custom product packaging is so valuable for building brand awareness and marketing your products because it just looks more professional and trustworthy.

One of the key areas businesses need to think about is building brand equity and creating more awareness for the brand itself.

Strong branding is one of the most crucial ways to market yourself, and what better way to do that than through custom packaging?

Plain, standard packaging just doesn’t have the same punch that custom product packaging does.

So instead of spending on packaging that doesn’t do anything for your brand, save money and time by investing in custom packaging.

You get to control its look and feel while also ensuring that it promotes your brand in the best way possible.

Source: PakFactory

You can incorporate your logo, brand colors, font, and more to make it truly your own.

If you think about how common it is for customers to post their experience on social media, what would they rather post?

Unique custom packaging or a standard box?

Custom packaging is more social media friendly, and it can be a great passive marketing tool for your business.

5. It Increases Sales

Custom packaging is an investment that’s totally worth it because it has the potential to drive sales.

The better your packaging is, the cooler the experience is for customers, and the more it sways their purchasing decisions.

You’ll have a loyal customer base that trusts your products and are more likely to come back to you time and time again.

Attractive and unique packaging is more likely to attract new customers to your brand, and it gives your product the advantage over others.

Source: PakFactory

Branded and customized packaging can transform the customer experience, and it can lead to significant advantages in the short-term and long term.

The more innovative you can be with custom product packaging, the more likely you are to see a return on investment.

Working with packaging experts positions you in the best possible place to experience all of these investment benefits.

They can advise you on the right dimensions, materials, and designs to create a truly exceptional custom packaging experience.

