Boring Interviews with Apes: Corporate Trash

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5 min readJul 29, 2021

“You’re Corporate Trash?! Holy shit, I thought you were a dude!” @CorporateTrash smiles and throws her arms high up into the air, “SURPRISE! I’m a woman!”

Standing next to Corporate Trash at any event is very much like witnessing a celebrity walk a red carpet. She manages to walk a few steps before someone reads her name tag and falls into speedy, animated conversation hoping to learn more because she’s mostly been a total mystery. No face reveal. No name reveal. Just @corporatetrash.

“The name Corporate Trash comes from when I worked at a startup in operations. A customer called in and was irate about something and my team member called me over to listen, ‘This company used to be small, but now you’ve gone corporate! You’re all just corporate trash now!’ I thought that was hilarious and adopted it to remain anon for Top Shot and Twitter.”

The OGs know her from the NBA Top Shot, and the newcomers (like me, having arrived in March) met her on Twitter. Her simultaneously charming and witty commentary is just as entertaining and valuable as the wealth of NFT knowledge she generously shares.

“I was sick of being inside during the pandemic and was looking for something new and interesting. I signed up, bought a few Holo MMXX and other moments that looked good to me, bought a ton of packs, and started looking outside of the Top Shot Discord. I found out people were talking about it on Twitter and the rest is history…”

In addition to being a funny and bright presence in this NFT space, she also contributes heavily to it by writing insightful and thorough articles on MomentRanks as well as her own website,

“I started writing for MomentRanks in June as a way to branch out more into the NFT space and to challenge myself. I already spend so much time researching and learning about NFTs, so I thought why not write about them for one of the best NFT sites out there?”

As an observer (twice now at events), I see that this is her most popular and recognizable arena. Her MomentRank articles dig into NFT spaces to ask, “What is Bored Ape Yacht Club?” — “What is the Metaverse?” — and (bless her heart) deep dive into Axie Infinity.

Some of Corporate Trash’s recently published work

What makes her content so sharp is that it’s not just an introduction to these NFTs — but WHY they are so successful and how partnerships will propel and allow some of these NFTs to exist in the metaverse (maybe some in perpetuity).

She’s dissecting it all as she would in her professional life in operations. “What is making this work?” in detail. People read it and they love it.

“I wanted to work for a newspaper for a living until I realized they were basically dead, but both of my parents did it for their entire careers, so I guess writing is in my blood. I share the main trait of being a good journalist, which is curiosity — I’m always learning something new (sometimes the hard way),” she says.

And don’t we know that feeling? Learning NFT the hard way.

“It’s really a rollercoaster of emotions. What I love most about NFTs is that every single day (really, every single minute) is full of possibilities and opportunities. No matter what day it is, you could discover a new project and an artist’s life can change for the better.”

Corporate Trash invests in both small-scale and large-scale NFTs just as much for fun as she does to test passive income streams. From NBA Top Shot to Bored Ape Yacht Club, to play to earns, she frequently travels for her corporate professional career and built a website where people can learn more about her and her chaotic (insert rock-climbing emoji) NFT journey. She has even created an “NFT Census,” if you will, partly inspired by attending a few IRL Los Angeles events as a way to “contribute some primary research and demographic data about active people in the NFT space.”

Corporate Trash is living in the future with her early NFT data mining — and it’s not for sale. The survey will be up for another few weeks and she plans to share the results with the community.

So what’s her favorite minted NFT? No surprise here: Bored Ape Yacht Club.

Corporate Trash’s BAYC

“It was just wild how they sat there unsold for days and then one Friday night, everything went crazy. I plan on keeping mine until I get an offer I can’t refuse. Nowadays, minting is tough. I think we’ve all been disillusioned with recent drops and gas wars. Instead of excitement, you just feel dread when you see how much you’re paying, just to get a chance to mint something. I love Discord raffles and the resulting private sales as a way to avoid gas wars, but the idea of minting is more exciting. I look forward to when Ethereum 2.0 comes out or gasless transactions hit mainstream. I hope for luck on secondary, as I’m generally on the more risk-averse side.”

She describes the NFT space as “sometimes dramatic and stressful with how fast it evolves” but she always brings — often unmatched — humor and positivity to all of our NFT trials and tribulations. Always in the know, always so much fun, and never drops the ball.

“Shout out to the twelve people who attended my first stream-of-consciousness Twitch stream where I sounded like a glitchy robot. I definitely plan on writing more for my own site, as well as some others, and maybe even branching out into audio and/or video.”

By “maybe” she means NOW because she is set to make her big-time voice debut on @TheFirstMint’s Twitter Spaces for a live watch party of @QuavoStuntin TODAY, July 29 at 1:30 PM PST.

We look forward to the fun time as well as the voice reveal, Corporate Trash!

Bonus fun fact: she was a DJ at Coachella.

Interested in more profiles of Bored Ape Yacht Club members? Here are some of our recently published pieces on Packrip Media:

