The biggest collective suicide in history

The UK General Election 2019

Greetings from the Couch
Paddle your own Review
2 min readDec 13, 2019


The British People have spoken. It’s a pity it’s in a voice that implicitly approves of George Osborne’s Austerity, Theresa May’s Hostile Environment (and Windrush that would never have occurred if arrival records weren’t destroyed) David Cameron’s Brexit, and last but not least, Boris Johnson’s lies (Full list here). Not only that, people dying in the National Health Service are dying in greater numbers. And regardless of which flavour of “out of the European Union” Boris and buddies picks, the United Kingdom will lose.

I’ve argued in the past that the British voted OUT in the Brexit referendum in 2016 based on a whole lot of lies, and among other things, Russian interference exposed in subsequent years, because the Cold War was not so much won as abandoned and Vladimir Putin is old-school KGB. So that made this election the way out of the mess created three years ago.

Except they voted Tory. Again.

Is it Stockholm Syndrome or are the British so resoundingly against the benefits EU membership bestows, they’ll shoot themselves in the face? The EU weren’t perfect, but this is suicidal. And if the British think they can rely on the United States or former colonies, I expect they’ve got a surprise in store. The USA does things for the USA, and former colonies were taken largely by force by the British Empire, and so Boris and Chums won’t be negotiating trade deals from a position of power.

The one bright spark in all this is that Nicola Sturgeon and the Scottish National Party got a massive majority and is now demanding independence powers. The last attempt to go independent was defeated, but they also voted 62 to 38 in favour of remaining in the EU during Brexit, the same as Northern Ireland.

So for me, the bottom line is astonishment and despair, and a little of what Warren Ellis was writing about in the magnificent Crooked little Vein.

This is how I feel right now.



Greetings from the Couch
Paddle your own Review

Really not a neural network enhanced instabot from the nastiest burrows of the darknet. (also do chai reviews on @melbournechai )