10 Signs You May Be Spending Too Much Time at Home These Holidays

#TukiSay get off bum potato couch, see amazing world.

Paddl HQ


To recover from the horror of exams and the chill of winter, it’s only fair that you’d want to hide away inside. But how much is too much of a good thing? If you answer yes more than no to the below, it could be time you venture outside the house.

  1. You get annoyed when your parents cook something you don’t like.
Via Giphy

2. But the only other alternative is cereal.

Via Giphy

3. The thought of leaving the house is horrible.

Via Giphy

4. And getting off the couch to do chores is just as bad.

Via Giphy

5. Your bedroom and the living room / kitchen / lounge are basically one and the same.

Via Giphy

6. Your outfits have slowly dwindled down to a trackies-only aesthetic.

Via Giphy

7. You’ve discovered a love for hobbies you previously thought were reserved for old people.

Via Giphy

8. Most conversations with your parents involve them throwing you shade about still being at home.

Via Realitytvgifs

9. They’ve even started to question whether or not you have friends anymore.

Via Giphy

10. And you fear a full scale intervention is probably just days away.

Via Giphy

If this article has opened your eyes to the fact that you may have turned into a couch potato over the holidays, it’s okay. Acceptance is the first step to recovery. Check out our top picks for cheap getaways to reconnect with your friends and get some fresh air. Trust us — you’ll feel much better afterwards!

#TukiSay trackpants acceptable not.



Paddl HQ
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Tuki is spirit guide of Paddl archipelago. Tuki share wisdom and help young explorers find way.