Paddl Feature Release: Tour Guide

You asked for help — now it has arrived.

Nick Fleming
Paddl HQ


The Engineering team is excited to release their newest set of features, created to help guide new users on their journey into the archipelago.

We carefully listened to our users’ feedback and have designed a suite of new features to add context to the Paddl app — further simplifying the on-boarding process for new Students and Employers alike.

Tour Guide

Students and Employers will now be welcomed to the app by Tour Guide, a feature that helps our users navigate their first steps in Paddl.

The pop-up guide is available to all new users as they enter the app and provides tips and tricks on how to make the most of Paddl’s features. The guide conveniently hides away when all steps are complete, but returns with new product updates.

As a Student, the Tour Guide includes steps such as:

  • Setting up your profile
  • Uploading a profile picture
  • Practicing an application

As a Employer, the Tour Guide includes steps such as:

  • Setting up your profile
  • Creating a Campaign
  • Attracting Students

Tool Tips

Throughout the app we’ve also added handy hints to guide you on your way. These little snippets are designed to offer advice and showcase updates whilst you’re navigating through the application, applying for jobs and chatting with Employers.

Practice Job — Students

As a Student, you can now run through the process of applying for a job without the stress of making mistakes. In your Job Feed you’ll now find a Practice Job, which will guide you through the end-to-end process of an application, complete with answering questions and writing your first message.

Campaign Filtering — Employers

Employers can now easily switch between Active and Inactive Campaign views, giving a quick and easy snapshot of all draft, live, closed and archived listings.

Paddl Employers can now create draft campaigns, be alerted to listings nearing completion and keep track of current live jobs all from their Campaigns dashboard.

We’d love to hear your thoughts about our newest releases. If you’ve any feedback to share, please get in touch with the Paddl crew here, comment in the section below or message our support team via the blue chat icon on Paddl.

