Paddl Makes a Splash at the ACPET VET Forum

Paddl x ACPET

Nick Fleming
Paddl HQ


Paddl recently attended the Victorian VET Forum hosted by The Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET) to showcase its newest features and how it’s helping Educators to unlock employment opportunities for their Students. The event brings together independent providers of tertiary education and training and key stakeholders (government, industry etc.) to discuss and debate topical issues within the Education space.

The Forum took place at the Melbourne Rydges Hotel on a chilly Tuesday morning at 9am. The Sales & Partnerships team, consisting of the new Director Kynan Robinson, Lauren and Shannon were ready to answer all your questions around technology and education, and explain how Paddl can help to unlock jobs for your students.

Shannon chatting with Laurie Costabile, Head of School at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment — Melbourne

The team had some great conversations with representatives from the Academy of Interactive Entertainment, The Malka Group, City of Melbourne, Rubric Training Solutions and Kirana Training. Some key take-outs from the discussions were…

‘There are a number of jobs in the interactive entertainment market, but students do not know how to find them.’ — Laurie Costabile, Academy of Interactive Entertainment

‘International students don’t know their working rights and can’t find relevant employment.’ — Sharon Smith, City of Melbourne

‘Hospitality, Retail and Community Service based careers are growing but there is a disparity in connecting qualifying students into these jobs without extensive experience.’ — Malka Lawrence, The Malka Group

The above issues are something we at Paddl feel very passionately about and are working to fix with our unique data matching techniques to align relevant casual and part-time employment to a student’s qualifications.

Once the networking lunch came to a close, the team left with a full registration form and pockets full of business cards from excited attendees! The partnership between CareerLounge and ACPET is a new venture, we’re really excited to work with them and help bridge the gap between students and the employment space.

If you’d like get in contact with Paddl, email us here.

