Huddle session: Where-to-next?

Paeng's Eastwood Bowl
Paeng’ Eastwood Bowl
3 min readOct 4, 2016

If you’re starting to notice droopy shoulders in the office, then it might be time to give your team more pep in their step. It’s time to plan a team building activity. Team buildings are great because it gives workers the chance to bond with their co-employees and reduce office stress. But where will get good ideas for a team building. You can maybe start with a google search about team building ideas. You then stumble upon an article that suggests bowling to be one of the most effective ways to strengthen team work.
According to Entrepreneur Magazine there are 4 ingredients that makes up a successful company: reliability, competence, openness, and compassion. So, here’s why Paeng’s Eastwood Bowl is the best place for a team building activity:

1. Mad Games
You don’t need a Master’s degree to know that relationships are built on trust. And once relationships are built, it automatically makes opposite parties reliable. With the Mad Games Bowling in Paeng’s Eastwood, not only will your employees be having fun, they’ll also building bridges which will not only be beneficial to them personally but also to the company. Mad Games takes bowling to a whole new level. With it, players won’t have to settle with the traditional 10-grid system, along with its difficult to understand rules and scoring system, because now it comes with the bowling hood, character factory, monster factory, and battle on the lanes game options. Employees will feel like they’re on their day off with a couple of friends.

2. Bowling Plus
People are born competitive, they just don’t know it yet. But now they will, thanks to the bowling plus feature. We light up your staff’s competitive spirit through this awesome feature as it displays their top moments on-screen as it happens. They’ll surely get engaged in the game as they are having fun, but what better way to get them more into winning than having they’re scores displayed in the monitor. They’ll be seeing how good others are doing in the game, rushing their adrenaline towards winning the game even more.
3. Mad Games + Bowling Plus = Fun
People won’t bother to open up to people who they know nothing about. With the help of our bowling programs, we will help your employees look pass their office mates’ serious side. Face it, when people are having fun, it’s the time that they become close with each other, thus they start to open up. With the rest of your team starting to open up, your company is bound to make room for more development.
4. Reliability + Competitiveness + Openness = Being Proactive
Being a proactive simply means acting in a certain situation, rather than just reacting. With all the other aspects taken care off, the result is the ability to sympathize with the company, and as we like to call it, compassion. With that, every obstacle that comes your way will no longer be an “I” statement but a “we”.

