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On life

Page One: Writers on Writing


My Substack is evolving.

I like Substack as it goes directly to readers who want to see it. You can browse Substack, but it’s not the same as browsing thousands of Medium articles so readily available under your thumb.

I’ve written for 30 years. As a weekly newspaper scribe I wrote about small town issues, court news, what the local town council debated and voted on. I followed the local hockey teams, baseball teams, and described who did well in rodeo.

I write on a wide variety of subjects on Medium.

My Substack has evolved to writing about human connections.

You’re welcome to read my latest Substack article.

Just click here.



Page One: Writers on Writing

Editor of 'Page One: Writers on Writing', and 'Writer's Reflect.' You're welcome to write for either publication. I love writing and reading on Medium.