It’s been six weeks on Medium. Here’s what I think.

At times it’s like being trapped in an elevator with 18-year-old feminists

Page One: Writers on Writing


Photo by author. An apple tree in the back yard.

I read one article stating a Medium writer should expect 50,000 views. So far I top out at 40 views per article.

I realize 50,000 views is a Medium summit I will never climb.

You have to write for the market, and the Medium market is each other.

I’ve said it in previous articles, but I’ll say it again here, they are one hell of a lot of hurt women on Medium.

Those include serial daters who have given up on dating, first-world feminists who don’t realize feminism and misandry are two different things, strident young females who wonder where all the good men are, and as I’m reading their articles, I’m thinking, ‘I don’t think I would feel comfortable sharing an elevator with you.’

For anyone writing on the topic of feminism, there is an audience here. On that topic your Medium articles may reach 50,000 views. Maybe 100,000.

Writing the results of a Stanley Cup playoff game- not so much.

This week I have muted two females.

That’s terribly unfortunate, and it only was due to unreasonable statements in comments. If you can’t have a reasoned discussion with a female, walk away. That’s the best you can do. Walk away. Immediately.

I wrote one article about how we treated female typesetters at a newspaper I worked on, to provide some perspective on how we treated female co-workers in the olden days.

Find that article here.

I realize I would gain a lot more eyeballs on my writing if I wrote for publications, but I can’t generate enough interest to do so.

Writing for me is fun.

Writing for a publication would seem like a job- a job with no pay. I can’t see the point in it.


I don’t expect to monetize for a good year, not before I reach 2,000 followers.

After six weeks I have 177 followers. At that rate I’ll reach 2,000 followers in the middle of next year.

So far, Medium has been …. interesting. The writer I enjoy reading most on here has been Liza Donnelly, by a light year. Find her here.

Thanks for following me on Medium. I do hope to learn more about the platform in the coming week.

You can also find my publication, Writer’s Reflect, here.



Page One: Writers on Writing

Editor of 'Page One: Writers on Writing', and 'Writer's Reflect.' You're welcome to write for either publication. I love writing and reading on Medium.