Well, I did it. I started a Substack

I guess I’m in this online writing thing

Page One: Writers on Writing


Photo by Tim Mossholder, Substack

The advice on how to write on Medium and Substack is you build your readership on Medium, then encourage readers to follow your writing on Substack.

(My Substack is free, by the way.)

That’s not all the advice.

As you develop your Substack you bring along your Facebook friends, your Instagram followers, your followers on Twitter- (I still can’t call it ‘X’), and everyone else on your social media.

From there, it’s a party.

The advice from there is to buckle down and write for two or three years until you get $100 in your mailbox.

Yeah, writing for print is a little different. This online writing is fun, I have to admit.

Print publications pay you by the word, you write it, you get paid.

Here, you write and write and hope.

You are invited to look at my (free) Substack. I’m having fun writing there. My column is called, “Meanwhile, Back in Canada…”

If you want to take a look at my infant Substack, here’s a link:

Thanks for reading. Hope you have a great day.



Page One: Writers on Writing

Editor of 'Page One: Writers on Writing', and 'Writer's Reflect.' You're welcome to write for either publication. I love writing and reading on Medium.