Blockchain in Publishing

Transforming Copyright and Royalties

Page network
3 min readOct 27, 2023


The PAGE Network is an online content theme park platform based on NFTs. The PAGE platform has three main goals. The first is to solve the distribution of illegal copies of IP content with NFT technology. Secondly, it will enable the direct exchange of content between content producers, consumers, and investors. Finally, it aims to establish a decentralized platform through a reward ecosystem based on a transparent settlement system.

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In the digital age, publishing faces complex challenges, particularly concerning copyright protection and royalty distribution. Blockchain technology is emerging as a solution, offering transparency, security, and efficiency in the publishing industry. This article explores how blockchain is reshaping copyright protection and royalties in publishing.

The Challenges in Publishing

The digital age has brought forth several challenges:

Copyright Infringement: Digital content is easily copied and shared, leading to widespread copyright infringement.

Complex Royalties Tracking: Royalty distribution involving multiple stakeholders can be a complex and time-consuming process.

Lack of Transparency: The traditional publishing process often lacks transparency, leaving authors and creators unaware of how their work is used.

Delayed Payments: Authors often face delayed payments due to the lengthy royalty distribution process.

Blockchain: A Solution for Copyright and Royalties

Blockchain addresses these challenges:

Immutable Copyright Records: Blockchain’s immutability ensures that copyright records cannot be altered, providing a secure record of authorship.

Smart Contracts for Royalties: Smart contracts automatically execute royalty payments when specific conditions are met, ensuring fair and prompt compensation.

Transparency: The decentralized nature of blockchain enables all parties to access a transparent ledger of all transactions related to a book.

Microtransactions: Blockchain enables fractional royalty payments based on the level of contribution.

Global Reach: Blockchain’s borderless nature makes it easy to manage copyright and royalties globally.

Real-World Examples

Ujo Music: Ujo Music allows musicians to publish and sell their music directly to consumers, ensuring fair revenue distribution.

Publica: Publica is a blockchain platform for book crowdfunding and publishing, enabling authors and readers to share ownership and royalties through tokens. timestamps work on the blockchain, providing immutable evidence of creation, valuable in copyright disputes.

Reedsy: Reedsy integrates blockchain for transparent and automated royalty management, ensuring fair and instant payments.

Challenges and Considerations

Adoption and Integration: Widespread blockchain adoption may take time due to industry practice changes.

Education: Authors and stakeholders need education about blockchain technology.

Regulatory Issues: Legal considerations in blockchain and cryptocurrencies need addressing.

Interoperability: Ensuring different blockchain solutions can work together is vital.

Privacy: Balancing transparency with privacy is essential.

The Future of Publishing with Blockchain

Blockchain has the potential to transform the industry by providing:

Fair Compensation: Authors and contributors will receive transparent, fair compensation through smart contracts.

Reduced Copyright Infringement: Immutable copyright records discourage copyright infringement.

Greater Transparency: The industry becomes more transparent, benefiting all stakeholders.

Efficiency: Royalty distribution becomes more efficient, reducing administrative overhead.

Global Collaboration: Blockchain enables international collaboration.

Blockchain is set to revolutionize copyright protection and royalty distribution in publishing, offering immutable records, smart contracts, and transparency. Despite challenges, the future of publishing looks fairer and more efficient, benefiting authors, readers, and all stakeholders.

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