Content Collaboration

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Page network
3 min readJan 13, 2023


The PAGE Network is an online content theme park platform based on NFTs. The PAGE platform has three main goals. The first is to solve the distribution of illegal copies of IP content with NFT technology. Secondly, it will enable the direct exchange of content between content producers, consumers, and investors. Finally, it aims to establish a decentralized platform through a reward ecosystem based on a transparent settlement system.

Welcome to the PAGE Network!

We have prepared information about collaborations that you have heard a lot about before. Here are some examples of collaborations that come from Latin, and examples from the content industry. For details, please check:

Content Colaboration

As the popularity of content collaboration increases, the distribution industry is also attempting various collaborations. From the beauty industry to beverages and foods, products with emotional packaging and designs are being released one after another. In particular, collaborations worth sharing on social media are constantly evolving in line with new trends.

SPAO is a brand that has achieved great success by seeking a point of differentiation instead of avoiding direct competition with prominent domestic and foreign brands. The point of differentiation is the collaboration strategy targeting the millennial generation, and as one example, in December 2019, Spao released Pengsoo T-shirts and sleeping pants. 11 products were sold out in 3 hours, showing a big issue, proving that the collaboration between content and fashion has a great effect.

Coca-Cola also collaborated with numerous fashion designers to introduce various Coca-Cola Light design packages. Among them, designer Jean-Paul Gaultier’s freewheeling and unconventional bottle design stands out.

At one time, coke was stigmatized as the enemy of diet because of its high calories, but Coca-Cola produced a diet line to clear this stigma and presented a topic called ‘fashion’ that could appeal to them. After that, through continuous collaboration with fashion designers, we were able to approach consumers with a stylish and trendy image.

Looking at the reasons why the concept of collaboration has attracted attention, first of all, the technical requirements for the production method of digital contents to be easily reused on other platforms have been prepared, and the distribution method is based on the Internet where contents of various genres can be traded. , the emergence of an open market, consumption has become possible on smart devices that can be accessed at all times beyond offline.

In addition to the above two content collaborations, more diverse content and collaborations with other industries are expected to create a lot of value in the future.

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