
L. Fernandez
Pagelytico, editorial analytics.
2 min readFeb 9, 2023
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Editorial analytics is an essential tool for any modern publisher. By analyzing the performance of their content, publishers can gain valuable insights into their audience and make informed decisions about their editorial strategy. However, until recently, the tools for editorial analytics have been limited to larger publications with substantial budgets and technical expertise. Pagelytico is changing that by bringing editorial analytics to all publications, regardless of size.

pagelytico is an innovative platform that provides in-depth analytics for publishers. By putting numbers behind editorial decisions, publishers can better understand their audience and create content that resonates with their readers. With Pagelytico, publishers can track metrics such as page views, engagement, social shares, and more. This information can help them make informed decisions about the type of content they produce and the channels they use to distribute it.

One of the key benefits of Pagelytico is its accessibility. Unlike other editorial analytics tools, pagelytico is designed to be used by publications of all sizes. This means that smaller publications can now enjoy the same level of insight into their audience as larger ones, without the need for a large budget or technical expertise.

At Pagelytico, our mission is to empower publishers to make informed decisions and grow their audience. With our platform, publishers can track the performance of their content and make data-driven decisions that will help them reach new heights. So whether you’re a small blog or a large publication, if you’re looking to take your editorial analytics to the next level, Pagelytico is the solution you’ve been looking for.



L. Fernandez
Pagelytico, editorial analytics.

MSc in Physics, working to bring science and data to the editorial world since 2014.