Pagelytico, one of the best affordable Google Analytics alternative for publishers

L. Fernandez
Pagelytico, editorial analytics.
3 min readApr 28, 2023
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If you are a writer or an editor in an online publication: journal, blog, or newspaper, it’s important to understand how your content is being received by the audience. Google Analytics is a popular choice for many websites, but there are more specialized tools available that are designed specifically for editorial analytics.

Editorial analytics tools can provide valuable information into user behavior, content performance, and other engagement metrics. One of such tools is Pagelytico.

Pagelytico is a “news analytics” tool that offers a range of features tailored specifically for online publications. We will explore some of the advantages of using a tool like Pagelytico over a generic one like Google Analytics.

Focus on Editorial Metrics:

Unlike Google Analytics, which is a generic tool that can be used for any type of website, Pagelytico is specifically designed for online publications. It offers secific metrics that like engagement time, scroll depth, and article completion rates. By focusing on editorial metrics, Pagelytico provides a more accurate picture of how your content is being received by the audience.

Actionable Insights:

One of the biggest advantages of using Pagelytico is that it provides actionable insights that can help improve your content strategy. For example, it can identify which topics are resonating with your audience, which authors are generating the most engagement, and which distribution channels are driving the most traffic. Armed with this information, you can make data-driven decisions about your content strategy and optimize your editorial calendar accordingly.

Integration with CMS:

Pagelytico is integrated with your content management system (CMS) to provide seamless data tracking and analysis. This allows you to access real-time data about your content performance and audience engagement without having to switch between different tools. Some of the data that pagelytico receives from your publication are:

  • Post authors names
  • Categories
  • Tags,
  • Page type
  • Article type
  • User type
  • Word length of the article
  • Platform

All these data are seamlessly incorporated in the reports to provide insigths of your publication that could not be easily obtained from tools like GA.

WordPress plugin

Although the integration process usually requires some level of technical experience, if your site is on WordPress, as many publications are, integration is straightforward if you use our plugin. Jus install and enter de apropiade IDs that you obtain after registration in

User-Friendly Interface:

Google Analytics is the most used analytics solution. Although it is a great analytics tool, it doesn’t provide “off the shelf” reports and editorial metrics that online publications require.

Pagelytico offers a simple interface that is easy to navigate and understand. The dashboard provides a clear overview of your content performance and engagement metrics, with more detailed insights and analysis of specific articles, authors, categories, tags or traffic sources. Using Pagelytico make easier for editors and writers to understand the performance of their publication and make data-driven decisions about their content strategy.



L. Fernandez
Pagelytico, editorial analytics.

MSc in Physics, working to bring science and data to the editorial world since 2014.