5 Common Thanksgiving-Related Injuries That No Longer Require Emergency Room Visits

Pager Direct
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2015


Happy Thanksgiving! As a nation, we join together around large birds, hot ovens, deep fryers, cutlery, family sports and enjoy indulging in great food and drink. These all happen to also be the perfect ingredients for a very busy emergency room.

While there are risks everywhere no matter how you celebrate, there are a few common safety hazards you and your family can avoid.

If you live in San Francisco or any of the five New York City boroughs, many of the following injuries do not require emergency room or urgent care visits. In fact, you can use your iPhone or the web to contact a nurse at Pager and we can send a doctor to your door so you can resume your holiday, even if you might be a little worse for the wear.


Move slowly and pay attention. No texting and deep frying. No bickering with your sister while you pull the turkey out of the oven with a basic dish towel. We get it. You’re hungry. Everything smells great. But wait a full 10 minutes to carve your bird.


Nothing cuts deeper than a dull knife. Take the time to make sure you’re working with quality cutlery and keep it out of reach of children (or your aunt who has maybe had one too many glasses of chardonnay).


Because it’s a holiday, we often trick ourselves into thinking we can eat more than we would on any other Thursday. It’s not worth it. Eating too much can cause a variety of digestive issues, while drinking too much can do far more than embarrass your mother.

Rough play

If your family loves a good, friendly game of tag football before dinner, make sure you know your limits. A bad spill may bruise your ego, but a bad injury will make you miss out on dinner.

Food poisoning

Never underestimate the power of a good meat thermometer and sanitizing as you go. It may also be fun to pester grandma, but don’t go poking into dishes that aren’t done. Food poisoning can be deadly, and nothing ruins a food-based holiday more than spending it in the bathroom.

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