Do I need stitches?

Pager Direct


Don’t wait. When in doubt, seek medical attention sooner rather than later.

How to tell if a wound needs stitches:

  • Clean the area gently with soap and water. Never use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol directly on the wound (Ouch! — it hurts and it destroys healthy tissue).
  • Apply pressure and elevate high above the heart, if possible.
  • Is the cut deep? If you can see the layer underneath your skin, yellow subcutaneous fatty tissue, muscle or bone, it’s deep enough to need sutures.
  • Is there a gap between the edges of the cut?
  • Is it bleeding profusely? If after applying pressure for 15 minutes and elevating, the bleeding does not slow down or stop, this is a good reason to seek medical attention.
  • Was the object that caused the laceration dirty or rusty? Is the wound caused by an animal bite or scratch?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Pager advises you to seek medical attention as soon as possible. A wound that requires stitches or staples is much less likely to get infected when it’s closed within 6–8 hours.

Additionally, a medical provider will be able to prescribe antibiotics if they’re necessary, as well as administer a Tetanus vaccine when appropriate (greater than 10 years since your last one or if you’ve never received one).

The benefits of stitches:

  • Faster healing time
  • Decreased risk of infection if the wound is closed within 6–8 hours
  • Better appearance and minimizes scarring

Still in doubt? Chat with a nurse using the Pager app. Send a photo directly to our Pager care team. We can help identify your best course of care.

Want to avoid a long wait at the ER? In many cases, we can schedule one of our experienced ER doctors to come to you to repair your laceration.

Written by Kate Van Dell

