Positive on COVID-19?!

Putri Indasari
Pages of Mine
Published in
11 min readFeb 15, 2022


Talking about COVID-19, has anyone had caught it before? How did you feel that time? Did you get vaccinated beforehand, or you did the vaccine after recovered from COVID-19?
I’m vaccinated three times. I got the last one on December 2021. However, got vaccinated doesn’t guarantee that you’re immune, right? And neither to avoid getting the vaccine is the best option. I firmly believe that eventually, we all would get the virus — just like the flu virus. It’s just about the time. The essential point is to keep the course of the disease stay mild and harmless. At least it’s like that in my opinion.

If someone asked me if I’m not afraid to get the COVID-19 vaccines, the answer is, ‘YES’. As most other people do, I was also skeptical and didn’t want to get the vaccine in the first line. After having read through some news, it becomes clear for me, now or later, I’m going to need to get the vaccine to regain the freedom and living life just like before COVID-19 happen. And since I love to go for trips and travel, being vaccinated make it accessible for me to do so. In May, 5th, 2021, I got my first shot. Followed up by the second one in June, 21st, 2021. Both with Moderna. Did I get any side effect of the vaccine? Sure, I had muscle pain on the arm, where I got the injection and felt tired. But no fever or any other bad side effect. I even went hike in Switzerland after the second shot of vaccine hehe :D so, it couldn’t be that bad. In December, 16th, 2021 I took the booster vaccine at the workplace, this time I got Comirnaty or well known as BionTech/ Pfizer. This one was very mild. I didn’t feel anything after. No muscle pain or such.

So for you who still afraid of the vaccine and can’t decide either you take it or not, I’d strongly advise you just to do it! It’s similar to another vaccine you got when you’re a baby, right? Have you ever questioning it before? I guess not. So, what stop you to take this vaccine this time?

Anyway, It was such a rollercoaster ride, until I officially diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2. So let’s move on to the chronology, from where I start to feel the symptom until I’m official in the self-isolation.

Wednesday, February 9th, 2022

When I woke up on this day, I got the feeling that something in my throat wasn’t alright and my voice sounds hoarse. Then I remembered that one of my colleagues, tested positive on Omicron. And I had shift with her the days before. So, I initiated to do a self-test at home. I did swab the nose and behind the throat with the same rod. Only a couple of second after I put some drops of the liquid material on the test device, I could see that the line on the T side shows. It was very visible. I waited 15 minutes, and hope that it somehow could change. After 15 minutes, both the C and T line showed. While still in panic, I googled the place to do the PCR swab and went there right away. There she asked if I want to do both rapid test and PCR or only PCR. Of course, I decided to do both to be certain.

This was my self-test
My first self-test result

I was quite impressed that I could get the appointment on the same day and also without queuing first. Anyway, I tried to ask her if I can do the swab by myself because I do it at work as a nurse regularly, and I intend to keep her away from the danger to get infected by me. But no, she has to do it by herself, she insisted because it is her job. Okay. I didn’t argue for it.
In general, I prefer to get swab behind the throat. I feel this is the most reliable method to get the material for the SARS-CoV-2 test. Unfortunately, she could only do the swab through the nose because of the type of the swab/ the rod, it suits only for that part. I tried to argue with her at this point, but it didn't succeed.

I went home and waited. The rapid test came with negative result. I felt a bit relieved but can’t be very sure either. So, I stayed only at home until I got the result from the PCR test.

I felt my body was a bit warm, kind of light fever? Or it might be just me that making things up, that I had a fever?
To be sure of it, I asked Hans — my boyfriend, to brought me a thermometer, so I can check my body temperature. And it was 37.3 * Celsius — normal temperature.
I hope it’s not COVID-19, what I have now. It’s my first day off from work and I don’t want the other four days just get wasted without having fun!

Thursday, February 10th, 2022

My body felt slightly warm, sore throat and hoarse voice still, runny nose, I’m starting to cough and feel a bit of back pain (either from too much lying on the bed or it’s a nerve pain). I checked m body temperature, it was 37.9 * Celsius — subfebrile temperature. Hm, okay. Now I got a bit worried. I prefer not to be sick, even thought I don’t feel one hundred percent healthy. So, I decided to do some light home workout, some household chores, enjoy the sunshine and also made myself something to eat from anything left in the kitchen. The last day I had a warm and a proper meal, that was on Tuesday, at work. So, I was starving on that day. I checked my temperature again after some couple of hours, and it was 38.0* Celsius — the temperature hasn’t reduced.

Thursday is almost over, but I still didn’t get a result from the PCR test from yesterday. There was nothing else I can. I waited impatiently.

Leftover tomatoes and Burrata for meal that day

Friday, February 11th, 2022

I didn’t feel much different compared to the previous day — a bit of coughing, hoarse voice. As usual, I did some easy work out, took shower and get dressed. This time I dressed up nice, to try to keep the feeling of the sickness in a low level. My body temperature was 37.7 * Celsius — still subfebrile temperature.

At 15:15 my result was there to find. It said that I am negative of SARS-CoV-2. This time I felt so relieved. Now I can end the isolation and live my life as before the isolation. I told my workplace about the result, and they were glad about this news.

In the afternoon, around 17:30, Hans picked me up, and we went out to the city center to check something. This was the first time I left home since Wednesday. In the car, he asked if I truly feel good? I answered ‘Yeah! My PCR test was negative, so I probably just got cold a bit. Don’t worry!’ *ugh-ugh! Coughing.*
He seems to disbelieve it and tends to keep the mouth and nose covered while I’m around. For his good.
An hour went by. Hans advised me to do SARS-CoV-2 test again, for the certainty because he found that I don’t sound good. We bought some couple of self-test kit. I did swab the nose and behind the throat again. Before 15 minutes came to end, we could see that there were two lines show on the test device. It’s not fun! I got tested positive again with the self-test kit.
Didn’t wait any longer, I made an appointment on the nearest test center for the second PCR test. We drove there immediately, then he dropped me back home afterwards.

Since that second, I’m re-isolated until the PCR result come with the negative result. Seriously, no fun at all. I only enjoyed some couple hours of the freedom, then sent back in to the cage.

My second self-test result

Saturday, February 12th, 2022

On Saturday, I felt a bit better than the other days. I didn’t have a fever. But still coughing and having hoarse voice. At around 10:00 in the morning, I logged into the PCR-Test center website to see my PCR test result from yesterday. I was speechless and got shocked. The result said I’m POSITIVE on the virus type of SARS-CoV-2. It confirmed that I’m positive on Omicron.

So with this confirmation, it’s now official that I have the virus inside me and I have to stay in the isolation, at least for the minimum of ten days. I called my station in the clinic and my colleague about this bad news. They wrote ‘Sick’ under my work schedule for next week.

The result of my second PCR-Test

It’s hard to believe! How could the others previous test were all be negative then? If I had not done a self-test on that Friday evening, I could still be able to go outside now. And I’ll most likely infecting other people recklessly because I don’t f*ck*ng know that I was positive on COVID-19 and I’m carrying it! But no, that’d not be my fault if it were happening. I already did everything I could do on that situation.

Remember I told you that swab behind the throat is the most reliable method for SARS-CoV-2 test? It’s proofed now! The first PCR test I did on Wednesday used the swab on the nose, with a negative result. The second PCR test I did on Friday used the swab behind the throat and the result was as what I’ve expected, positive. So next time you do PCR test, make sure you get the swab behind the throat, not only through the nose! Learn from someone mistakes!

Sunday, February 13th, 2022

I didn’t feel any bad symptoms, apart from cough and runny nose. I managed to do some light exercises at home. Enjoyed the sunshine.

I want to add some information, that might be helpful. In Germany, if you’re vaccinated, and you caught the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and have to do self-isolation or quarantine immediately, it’s quite an ease to keep your salary in that month stay as it is. You just need to inform your workplace about that you are in the isolation, send the administrator of your workplace the certificated from the health minister which stated that you’re in the isolation. And that’s all. Your health care insurance will cover the amount of the day you can’t attend work because you’re in the isolation.
But if you are not vaccinated/ doing home office, it could be another story. I haven't done research on it.

And one more thing, you need immediately to inform the federal ministry of health at the place where you live if you are positive on COVID-19. If you get confirmed positive on COVID-19 from the test center, the test center will automatically do the work for you. But if you get tested by the family doctor, then you have to inform it to the health minister by yourself. The federal ministry of health will be in contact with you, either through email or letter through the post office, in the next couple of days, and give you some details regarding the isolation or quarantine that you’re currently having.

In my case, they emailed me on Sunday morning and sent an encrypted PDF attachment that can be open only with your date of birth. There is said that I have to remain in the isolation until at least February, 21st, 2022. On the next page, it’s written that there is a possibility to shorten the duration of the isolation/ quarantine.
Short to say, I can cut down to seven days only if I don’t show the symptoms since the last 48h. And the result of the official rapid test on the day 7th is negative. Or the follow-up PCR-test is negative or rather it’s below the relevant defined threshold. Both of those test should be done by the medical staff, or therefor a trained person. A self-test at home is not acceptable.

Encrypted email from the health minister

Monday, February 14th, 2022

I felt quite the same as I was on Sunday. I woke up without needing an alarm. Did some home exercises. Did my laundry and vacuum the apartment. During the isolation, I regularly had a video call with my parents in Indonesia. This is rare to be happened for me because of the time shift (Jakarta time GMT+7 or Greenwich Mean Time is +6h ahead of Munich). Some advantages of not having to go to work. Hehehe :D

In the evening, I had a call with Marc, one of my male best friend, he is now in Columbia — again time shift between Europe and the South America. Finally, we managed to finish to book our trip to Iceland! Hurray! I’m eagerly awaiting it. Feel so excited, already *face full of excitement*

3rd/4th day of isolation

Tuesday, February 15th, 2022

Just like some other previous days, I was repeating my day's pattern during the isolation. I’m feeling okay now, only coughing sometimes, also hoarse voice. Slowly I’m getting use with this ‘New-Daily-Routine’. I wonder next time, if I could adapt with work’s schedule quickly enough or not.

Oh wait, did I tell you the behind story of this, all? Well, until last week, when I was at work, I told my colleague about my thought very open and not taking that serious.

‘I think being in the isolation or quarantine, as long as you don’t have any symptoms, seem not to bad. It means one week paid off days, right? hehe.’ I said joking.
‘Hm, yea, but you can’t leave the house and can’t do whatever you’d like to. Nah, it’s not that good then.’ She answered. ‘I prefer a normal day off or holiday without restriction.’ She continued.
‘You’re right but, for me, it would be fine, though.’ I answered.

I remember I had this conversation with her on Monday, and then on Wednesday, I was suspect on having COVID-19 and on Friday after the second test I got confirmed positive on COVID-19. It feels like Allah heard me, and made my wish come true… haha, this one sounds absurd, but it is the reality.

Being in the isolation wasn’t all, bad, it gave some advantages for me. First, I can have a call with my parents even often than it used to. Second, I'm able to focus on improving my health by doing workout and mind the nutrition. I hope I could stick to this good habit even after the isolation.

One of some other exercises I do while isolation

I’ll give the next update about my condition on the next article.

As always, I hope you all stay safe and healthy! Don’t worry to feel grateful of what you have now!



Putri Indasari
Pages of Mine

Hej, this is Putri, an Indonesian lives in Munich, Germany. Part time nurse & part time student. Hopefully my posts can be useful for you :)