Ready to Say Goodbye to 2021

Putri Indasari
Pages of Mine
Published in
6 min readDec 1, 2021


Sorry for leaving the website empty for over one year. I checked the date on my latest published post, and it shows …. ‘November 2019’

Oh, Jeez… it has been two years! And it’s almost three years even!! I just always succeeded finding excuses not to be active in Medium. However, I miss it a lot to write down my stories over the past years. I really do. So now where should I start? Hm, guess let me just tell you guys chronologically, about what happened in my life in these past two years.

After Graduated from Professional Training

In the middle of September 2019 I finished my professional training in gerontological nursing/ geriatric nurse a. k. a. Ausbildung zur Altenpflege (German).

Some months before the final exams, I got a bad message bout’ my dad that he had a heart failure. It shocked me! I really worried that it could get worse and I can’t see him again. So after graduation, I took a long holiday back to Indonesia, I went to see my family and accompanied my dad to the hospital for the treatment. He had to stay for about four days there. During this time, I observed the hospital, how the doctors and the nurses treating the patients. I’m totally disappointed. It’s so sad to see that the nurses don’t take care that much of the patients, beside the family of the patients, have to take care of them. There are no appropriate place for the family of the patients to stay there, so they ended up sleeping on the floor ;( Ah, I better not write the whole story here, it makes me crying inside.

By chance, I spent some weeks exploring a bit more of my home country, Indonesia, and also visiting some countries in Asia. By the end of October 2019, I flew back to Europe, spent some relaxing days in Switzerland. On my last day, just some hours before my departure back to Germany, my ex- and I argued bout’ an unnecessary stuff then unluckily we fought. I was so disappointed and sad all the way back home!

The condition during the night in the hospital

Moved to Munich

In the beginning of November 2019, I moved from Stuttgart to Munich. I was kind of urgently in need of help! Short story, I asked one of Indonesian friends for some help, if they could drive me with all of my stuff from Stuttgart way to Munich? Without questioning a lot, she and her husband helped said ‘yes’. I got very relieved because we managed it well to bring all of my stuff just with a normal size car only in one time drive. Again, thanks a lot for the help. I owed you a lot for this.

Starting Life in the New City

Move to the new place was quite fun and thrilling. Discovering the different way of life I never lived in before. Building a new social network. Meeting up with interesting people. Learning to be a local — yet I have just been here for a couple of weeks :p — Expanding my boundaries, being open-minded, learn to know myself better, just be me and be happy!

Munich gives me all of this possibility I didn’t have in Stuttgart. So far I enjoy living in Munich — ah, except the difficulties to get an apartment to rent, and it’s overrated rent prices — even though I don’t know many people here, nor I have a lot of good friends. As you grow older, you’re mostly going to need the time for yourself. So having a few loyal friends is more than enough for me.

Alte Rathaus & Frauenkirche München-pic taken with iPhone

When thing goes wrong

I supposed to start my work on 1st November 2019, my work permit has already issued on time. The thing is, instead of send the paper to the immigration authority office in Munich, the city I just moved in. They sent it to the immigration office in Ludwigsburg (my old place). And it took years until the work permit reached the office in Munich. Almost everyday I went to KVR Munich (the immigration office) and asking bout’ it but no one can give me any answer.

‘Please be patient and wait. We’ll inform you asap when we received your paper’

That’s all I heard from them each time I come there and asked them.

So, my unemployment was unwontedly extended for one month longer. I got no salary and my monthly expenditure was running still. I have the permit to stay, but not for work. I can’t describe my feeling that time. I totally piss*d off! German’s bureaucracy is my big enemy!

I’m really piss*d off that time

At the end, I’m allowed to work by the 1st December 2019. Thank God!

How It Is to Work in Psychiatry Clinic?

At the first glance, I was so excited and enthusiastic to start my work after long period of unemployment time. I got new colleges, different work field, different tasks to do, pretty lot of things to learn and to adapt.

So far, I love my job. Helping people with their mental problems is very interesting. Not always, there are some exceptions tho, but overall I enjoy what I do. Sometimes, I could reflect myself to their problems and diagnoses… then I’m starting to think, ‘hmm… could that possibly be me too’ ‘ich kaufe gern viel ein, besonders online, bin ich also manisch?’ hahaha don’t worry I’m still under control :D

It’s important for you to know, working in the psychiatry clinic it’s not all always about working with crazy people. Keep this in mind!

A common day at work

The Pandemic Attack

February 2020 was the last month I traveled normally, without having to worry about the travel restrictions. Around the end of February, the news about the virus in China came to Europe. Shortly after, the virus spread to Europe and worldwide. The hospitals were quickly overfilled with patients having this virus. The infections were growing quite rapidly, uncontrolled. Covering nose and mouth is being mandatory as the next move. Minimizing the crowd was also the way to restrain the virus not to spread.

I forgot the exact date, just between the beginning or middle of March, Germany decided to close the borders to other countries. Either land, air and water. The restriction was very strict. Only, with few exceptions, you can travel over the border. Not only in Germany, some other countries in Europe also do the same. It was horrible. Everyone got scared. Me too!

It’s been one year we all have been dealing with this and still we are now. Nowadays, there are more people traumatizing, being paranoid and eager to feel anxiety, having stronger depression due to the pandemic. Who’s to be blame? It’s just happened. Maybe the nature want to remain us to be a good human. Maybe we need to reflect ourselves more. Take more time to care of ourselves. Value the time we have with people we love and not take everything for granted.

Let’s together pray and hope that the situation could be better soon. Take care and stay healthy, everyone!



Putri Indasari
Pages of Mine

Hej, this is Putri, an Indonesian lives in Munich, Germany. Part time nurse & part time student. Hopefully my posts can be useful for you :)