PAID DApp As a Legislative Tool — pipe dream or a near possibility?

PAID Network
Published in
5 min readAug 10, 2021

Following the pandemic, territories like the US and the UK saw a backlog of cases develop in their respective judicial system. Unsurprisingly, before the pandemic, judicial systems in countries like India faced massive backlogs going back as far as 30 years. With such delays in the judicial system, digital/electronic agreements are inevitable. Furthermore, the legislative solutions evident in blockchain are proving to be more than just theoretical discourse. At PAID Network, we already have a DApp in place that can potentially support judicial systems globally.

Why it’s a matter of “when” and not “if” blockchain is part of global legal architecture

Courtroom backlogs are a never-ending cycle in the judicial system. As judges grapple with existing cases, new litigations arise. For example, as India Today reports, it takes at least three years to resolve a court case in India. In some instances, especially in lower courts, cases can take up to 10 years! As the report highlights, human interaction and influence play a pivotal role in exacerbating the woes of the courts. From fixing printers to filing paperwork, officials waste a lot of time contributing to the waiting period. Moreover, with the long waiting period, litigation becomes an expensive affair.

To improve its judicial service delivery, India unveiled an e-court system. A step in the right direction, e-courts reduce wait times by removing some human interaction and introducing an overall more automated process. Unfortunately, the reliance on human interaction to ultimately finalize and deliver the rulings limits the effectiveness of e-courts.

The issues stated above are not in isolation just for India. There exist a plethora of persistent problems worldwide in many countries where slow and cumbersome litigation is exasperated further by deep inherent flaws such as corruption and a lack of accountability.

Philippines: The criminal justice system is described as unpredictable, biased, corrupt, and slow. Very much the opposite of the idealized criminal justice system.

Brazil: Despite brimming with established law professionals and institutions, the ability for suitable justice provision again is slow and takes sometimes decades for resolution. In 2014 alone there were over 1,660,000 cases in progress for one department.

Bolivia: One of the poorest nations in South America, Bolivia has long-standing problems with a corrupt and inefficient justice system. Residents have minimal faith in the courts, and ‘crowd justice’ is widespread. The legal system is inaccessible for many of the poorest civilians in Bolivia and political interference to weaponize the justice system is another inherent issue.

Blockchain-based digital/electronic agreements can supercharge notoriously slow legal systems around the world

The existence of blockchain technology provides courts an alternative solution to backlogs. For example, from the limitations of the e-court system in India, a more technological-centered solution will prove helpful. Blockchain solutions have the following attributes:

  • Immutability — data on any blockchain remains unchanged.
  • Security — there is no central authority; thus, no one can change any network characteristic.
  • Incorruptibility — every node on the network has a copy of the digital ledger.

The attributes above remove most unnecessary human interactions and limitations by making any legal system fairer and more efficient.

Blockchain in India and the region is big and getting even bigger. Deloitte’s report on the opportunities for blockchain in India is a testament to the solutions possible from the technology. One of the solutions in the report is in public service, which includes judicial service. Blockchain-based digital/electronic agreements are enough to create efficiency or, at the very least, tremendously speed up India’s judicial system.

PAID DApp’s blockchain fundamentals allow for perfect legislative synergy

A practical solution showing blockchain in legislation is our soon-to-be-released PAID DApp. Our system design supports the courts by eliminating any room for lengthy legislative procedures. In many cases, the intricacies in the law create room for extensive legislative dialogue hampering the quick conclusion of a legal matter. To complicate matters further, some litigation results from the legal jargon standardized in legal contracts.

Our blockchain-based digital/electronic agreements set forward from the very beginning the terms of any relationship. Through smart contracts, parties create rules for the nature of their relationships in business or any other field. We provide templates for legal documents in simple English for all parties to understand.

We also provide situations for judicial systems to relieve judges of unnecessary cases or duties. Arbitrators quickly solve disputes occurring in our ecosystem within our ecosystem. We use a meticulous reputation scoring system to prevent interaction with actors prone to breaking contract agreements and ensure individual actions are taken.

India is a prime example of a possible blockchain beneficiary

India is blockchain-ready. The new e-court system, including the e-filing system, shows their embrace of technology and further confidence in digital/electronic agreements. With the electronic courts in India, we expect more acceptances of revolutionary solutions in the Indian judicial system.

By embracing PAID’s services, India and countries worldwide can significantly reduce their courtroom backlogs. PAID ensures this through:

  • Simple smart contracts for easy understanding of all parties.
  • Clear and concise language in smart contracts to ensure judges quickly deliver a ruling.
  • Eliminating unnecessary expenses in litigation by automating most litigation services through smart contracts.


The PAID Network is ready to help the world eliminate the existing backlog in judicial institutions globally. Our platform’s approach focuses on reducing incoming cases while assisting in quickening the conclusion of existing cases. With backing from legal institutions such as the Indian Judicial system, our solutions will prove to be valuable assets in eliminating courtroom backlogs, and therefore be an ideal legislative tool for legal systems globally.

About PAID

PAID Network seeks to redefine the current business contract, litigation, and settlement processes by providing a simple, attorney-free, and cost-friendly DApp for users and businesses to ensure they #GetPAID wherever they are in the world.

PAID technology leverages Plasm to operate on both Ethereum and Polkadot ecosystems. PAID makes businesses exponentially more efficient by building SMART Agreements through smart contracts in order to execute DeFi transactions and business agreements seamlessly.

PAID streamlines backend legal operations with SMART Agreements, so that projects can focus on making their brand bigger and better.

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