4 Easy Ways To Set Up On Youtube Ads Using Adwords

Roy Dopaishi
Paid Traffic
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2017


With people absorbing a wide range of video content on YouTube every day, advertisers have a variety of options available when it comes to marketing their product or service on the channel and through the video format.

Video ads for YouTube can be easily created from within your AdWords account but first you need to choose the type of video ads most suitable for your campaign.

Popular types of YouTube ads

TrueView ads are the most popular option for AdWords YouTube ads because the advertiser is only charged when a user either watches or interacts with their video. This is CPV (cost per view).

TrueView Discovery ads

Discovery or in-display ads are ideal for reaching viewers who are actively searching for content on YouTube. The discovery ad appears to viewers as an image thumbnail with up to three lines of text.

When an ad is clicked, the user will be sent to the YouTube watch page or the advertiser’s channel page to view the video, rather than playing the video within the ad unit itself.

While TrueView ads are some of the most popular ad options for YouTube you can also set up another type of video campaign in AdWords known as a Bumper ad campaign.

TrueView In-stream video ads

In-stream ads are a great choice if you want to show a short video advert within other videos on YouTube.

If you have frequented the YouTube platform, you may have noticed that some of the videos you watch are preempted by a short video advert, which you have the option to skip after 5 seconds. These are TrueView in-stream ads.

Bumper ads

A bumper campaign is a good option if you want to create a very short, non-skippable ad in AdWords. Viewers must watch these ads and they can be no longer than five seconds. They are a good solution if you need to get a snappy message across to potential customers quickly.

How to set up your video campaigns

Once you have chosen the type of AdWords YouTube ads that are right for you, it is time to create your campaign.

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