1. Tokyo Arrival (Tokyo Stories)

Olivia Wickstrom
Paige Yet Written
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2023

A delicate hum spilled through the gap in the window, slightly ajar.

Outside, neon lights painted the streets in pastel colors. Inside, soft warm light flowed from a tabletop lamp, reflecting off large windows.

Lush green plants lined the sills and stood in corners, transforming the central high rise into an urban jungle. A fern’s fronds gently brushed against the back of a beige couch while a tall rubber plant reached up in an attempt to touch the room’s high ceiling.

The apartment had a lived in charm. Paige could imagine the company expats who had resided here before her, each leaving an invisible imprint, a whisper of their own Tokyo stories.

Resting her bag on the wooden dining table, Paige slowly walked to the window, her fingers tracing the cold glass pane. Tokyo stretched out beneath her, and for a moment, she was transported back to the plane: her face pressed against the small window, eyes wide at her first glimpse of the neon city.

Would Tokyo embrace her? Could she find her place between its skyscrapers, noodle shops, and tea ceremonies?

As the plane touched down, the reality of her decision had set in: she’d moved to Japan. The voice on the PA system, though English, was accented with the lilt of Japanese, a gentle reminder that she was far from home.

Looking around her apartment, Paige smiled softly to herself, thinking of her fumbling attempts to navigate the subway system, loaded with luggage. A kind elderly man had seen her struggle, and without a word, helped her lift her suitcase onto the train.

Paige hadn’t eaten since her arrival, and her stomach growled, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she looked at the city. She’d begin her exploration by finding a place to eat.

Slipping on her shoes, Paige reached for the door handle, but a quiet knock made her pause. She hadn’t given anyone her new address.

Cautiously, she looked through the peephole. A Japanese man dressed in a suit stood outside, holding a small package. Her hand hovered above the door handle while the knocking persisted, more insistent this time.

With a deep breath, Paige turned the handle and opened the door…

To be continued.

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Olivia Wickstrom
Paige Yet Written

Writer, copywriter, digital marketer | @oliviawickstrom