How are you, Today?

Spencer M Fisher
Pain Talks
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2016

Is a question I have ‘learned’ to dislike, strongly. This simple query causes me to look, within, to get in touch with all the pain I really would rather not feel, see, hear, taste, smell that I carry around with me everywhere I go. It often gets in the way of connecting directly with you and you and you too….for so long it has been a part of HOW I’ve lived that I forget I have a choice, I do not “have to” suffer. Sure pain is part of living, but the suffering part, THAT is on me, and I have a great forgetter! I often reply with “I am O K! :) “ and “It could be a lot worse” Or, as a pal puts it “It’s the best day I can remember, yet!” So, truly, Grateful to be alive, with a roof over my head, a car to get around in, Love in my home and many many people that actually care about me.

Today, I was able to get to the gardening as it has been a bit warm, in watering with a hose and sprayer, I really did discover that my hands do NOT work well in that prolonged setting. I really DO want auto sprayers rather than my swollen hands. This is sad as I do love to be out there, but if it hurts me….then I have to rethink the approach. I do not write articles as much as I could…..this past week included an episode of Vertigo. I’ve had it before, but not this kind. This time it was like a headache…without the headache it was explained to me by a Dr. Neck exercises were given and I do try, and am bad at being a “good student”. I just am. A few days after I was in the Hospital for this I ended up taking my Mum in for an alleged cardiac event, that turned out to be sever leg spasms…same intake people checking us in…..4.5 hours later we were finally on our way…We do care for one another….and that works for us.

Finally, let me just say that it is not so easy to publish in this format, I am still not used to the blog life…having it all out there is NOT how this (astro sign) Cancer Man has lived. Home is a Sacred place, airing laundry is for the backyard only…haha, but in reality it feels good to let it go…move on, get to the next thing that I am supposed to be working on….my HP will always guide, direct, support me to that end.


