Suffering from Chronic Pain

Pain Talks
Published in
1 min readMay 15, 2016

There are a lot of things that we all take for granted in life. For me, being able to go grocery shopping, doing homework, working out at the gym, and wanting to spend time out and about just at a coffee shop or with friends are only a few of the things that I’ve taken for granted.

The fact is, when you suffer from severe headaches everyday you start to look at things differently. Homework that once seemed to be a burden now seems to me like blessing when I get to do it. Running errands around town when it’s a ninety-degree, Texas day used to feel like punishment. However, being able to run errands pain-free now makes me feel like a million bucks no matter the weather.

Everyday I feel like I’m playing a game of chance. That is, a game so severely rigged that the odds of me not suffering from a debilitating headache that day are not in my favor.

Tomorrow is never promised. All we have is today. So make it count and enjoy it while you’re here. You never know when it all might change.



Pain Talks

Part-time college student, full-time receptionist, road trip enthusiast, and occasional writer.