
Redefining yield farming on the Fantom Opera Network

Paint Swap Finance
2 min readMay 10, 2021


Another AMM on Fantom?

I know, right? The Fantom Opera Network is growing quickly within the DeFi ecosystem. Within the last month, we’ve seen several new, exciting projects like SpiritSwap and Spooky Swap pop-up — bringing with them new users, liquidity, and excitement into the space.

While these new decentralized exchanges and automated market makers have increased exposure to the Fantom Opera Network, we feel it’s been a pretty volatile and fractured experience. Liquidity is being spread between exchanges, farmers are chasing the newest and hottest yields, all the while the end-user receives a declining experience.

How will Paint Swap help?

Good question. Here at Paint Swap Finance, we want to accomplish two main goals:

  1. Create a singular, deep liquidity pool for all Fantom Opera users. To do this, we will utilize several tools to bring users and their liquidity to Paint Swap and keep it here for the long term. We’ll get into the specifics later, but this can be achieved through offering generous LP yields, creating multiple deflationary burn mechanisms, and making incentivized pools that are inclusive of the most prominent FTM projects out there. Bob Ross loved everyone, so shall we.
  2. Be the premier dex exchange and AMM on Fantom Opera. While there are no promises in life, Paint Swap has its eye on securing the long-term viability and health of both our platform and the FTM network at large. We’re new — and we need to earn both your trust and your liquidity. We will be fully transparent regarding hot button issues like team allocations and token emission rates.

Let’s talk tokenomics:

We’ll have many more details in our Docs soon™, but until then, here are some high-level tokenomics to take a look at:

  • What is our ticker? $BRUSH
  • Max supply: 450,000,000 BRUSH
  • Distribution: 70% Yield Farming, 10% airdrops, 10% team allocation (95% streamed over 6 months), 5% BRUSHdao fund, 5% Initial Farm Offering (IFO).
  • Emission schedule: Finished! But we’ll release the full details the day Paint Swap launches.

The initial incentivized pools:

  • BRUSH <> FTM 10x
  • BRUSH <> USDC 2x
  • USDC <> FTM 2x
  • wETH <> FTM 2.5x
  • wBTC <> FTM 2.5x
  • ZOO <> BRUSH 1x
  • ICE <> BRUSH 1x
  • SPIRIT <> BRUSH 1x
  • BOO <> BRUSH 1x

What’s next?

Join our community, enter the discussion, and let’s get to work.

Airdrops will be announced as we go — we’re not looking for bots or spam. You won’t catch us asking for re-tweets or follows. But we do hope you’ll give us a shot and help build something great together. There may even be some free $BRUSH tokens in it for your efforts!

Talk soon.

— The team

