PaintSwap 2022

Paint Swap Finance
Published in
9 min readDec 31, 2022

What an incredible year we’ve had building here at PaintSwap from ups and downs in market conditions there's one thing that's stayed consistent and that's our development log! Let's have a quick look at what we’ve managed to do in just 12 months.

16th of January 2022 500 NFT collections on PaintSwap

18th of January 2022 NFT Contract Factory released

28th of January 2022 Welcomed two new team members MonoRaptor & HubertCumberdale

31st of January 2022 multiple improvements to the UI of paintswap
- Purchases profile page — See what you bought and when
- Enhanced Dashboard (clickable balances for more currencies + detailed tooltips for balances)
- NFT Card quick action dropdown on My Assets (sale, transfer, burn)
- Auto-hide all dropdowns when clicking elsewhere (Finally!)
- FTM/wFTM quick-wrap/unwrap popup 👀
- Improved page for submitting collections for royalties and user contracts
- Auto-updating marketplace stats (cached 5 mins)
- Improved history and listings cards on sales/asset pages

2nd of February 2022 Announcement of Colorful Coal utility! Let’s put your Beardie to work Colorful Coal can now claim 1% of marketplace sales fees, similar to Beardies however they MUST have the matching Beardie with the same ID to be able to claim, get hunting if you don’t have it or didn’t HODL Head over to the Colorful Coal collection page to claim, the fees started accumulating yesterday. Let the coal wars begin!

5th of February 2022 lots more improvements to the UI of PaintSwap!

- Filters: you can now filter My Assets/Profile Bids, Offers & Purchases
— This includes offers made on your NFTs and much more!
- You can now mint to another account via the community contract saving a tx fee.
- When minting to the community contract you can now define the royalty receiver rather than just your current address.
- Added the name, collection name, verified status & image preview to the burn dialog.
- Allowing multi-amount transfers for the same ERC1155 NFT id via the UI (As well as name, collection name, verified status & image preview).
- Moved collection thumbnails to the NFT info card.
- Improved zapping for FTM conversion to BRUSH and lowered slippage to max 10% estimates should be correctly determined on forms.
- Beardies & Colorful Coal claim buttons have been added as default for clarity even if you don’t own any.
- Related NFTs link (Find your Colorful Coal or Beardie counterpart with a click of a button).
- Improved image fetching images should fail to load less often.

10th of February 2022 even more filters and improvements to the UI

- Filter by multiple collections at once.
- Filters are now shown in “Pill” form so that active ones can be seen more clearly, and easily removed.
- Persistent filter options.
- Better handling of local storage to prevent image re-fetching in page transitions in some circumstances.
- Pressing back or return in the browser now takes you to the correct position on the scrollbar.

15th February 2022 Introducing iNFTs interactive NFTs and guides on how to turn Godot engine games into NFTS on Paintswap.

1st of March 2022

New marketplace features:
- Insta-buy: New purchase flow directly from the marketplace grid
- New improved popup-workflow for selling NFTs directly from “My assets”
- NSFW Filter: Blurring NFT previews that are flagged as NSFW (if not toggled)
- New collection stat: Number of unique owners
- True fullscreen for iNFT and 3D models
- Removed total price when the amount is 1 on “add to marketplace”. Call it price instead of unit price
- External link on the info card moved to the description card as an icon
- Include number of current mints on the user contracts when minting

9th of March 2022

New marketplace features:
- Sort veNFT by value and endtime
- NFT owned balance is shown on the card on “My Assets” (if > 1)

- Better font scaling for the human-readable veNFT preview
- Better margins for checkboxes on mobile
- Show “view button” when visiting other users NFTs
- Better NSFW logic
- Correct time for “sales” on the listing card
- The default sorting on all profile tabs is now correct
- Optimized purchase flow for the buy/bid/offer modals
- The dropdown on the create page now works on mobile when navigating from the info tab
- Placed the “complete sale” card closer to the top for visibility
- Clarified the “Original mint price” on the submission page (and not showing it for factory contracts)
- Now possible to see the preview when minting 3D models in Firefox
- Clarification that collection submission is several steps, one after payment

11th of March 2022 release of v2.0 discord bot

Features include:
- Fully configurable by the user
- More than just sales enable notifications for:
— Listings
— Offers
— Bids
— Sales
- Advanced options
— Allow all
— Block specific collections
— Specify specific collections
— Set minimum values
- NSFW toggle
- Run the bot in multiple channels with different configurations.
- Run tests to see how it looks in your channel

You can invite the bot from any server by right-clicking the bot and clicking ‘Add to Server’.

25th March 2022 Announcing NFT Vaults

1st April 2022 multiple updates and speed improvements

  • Faster and smoother collections loading
    - Sorting options and pagination, needed as we approach 1000 collections
    - Improved scrolling on all pages, new items are grabbed before the end of the page is reached
    - Sorting was extracted from the Filters, so it’s now immediately visibly along with active filters
    - Sale completion is now a modal, so it can be triggered directly from other pages
    - ERC1155 NFTs will now have direct links to other sales of the same tokenId in a sale page

5th April 2022 more speed updates and indexing of over 1million fantom NFTs

29th April 2022 Added total purchased & floor value of your NFTs

16th May 2022 10,000,000 brush burnt!

24th May 2022 Announcement of the removal of PaintSwap dex and partnership with SpookySwap

26th May 2022 celebrated our first birthday

27th May 2022 began alpha testing the huge v3 update

28th May 2022 New farms went live using SpookySwap LP’s after the DEX migration.

8th June 2022 Ranks! Each collection will now show ranks on NFTs from all collections with attributes. Each collection’s ranks are generated using harmonic ranking

11th July 2022 You can now filter all collections by traits/attributes!

12th July 2022 Ability to bridge supported collections with Multichains NFT bridge.

22nd July 2022 Our first CEX for BRUSH — Felix!

29th July 2022 Version 3 release! Our biggest update to date!

2nd August 2022 Welcoming our newest team member Chronic

12th August 2022 The addition of our powerful stats interface.

2nd September 2022 huge overhaul to the UI and functionality of the site. Including the addition of more data and stats.

13th September 2022 The release of the P2P trade system.

19th September 2022 Bulk Edit Listings, Bulk Burn, Collection page improvements & Instant sell NFTs.

21st September 2022 Integration of bubblemaps for all collections

26th September 2022 Postcards! The ability for any user to generate a collection stats postcard for easy sharing.

27th September 2022 Feature galore, activity summary dashboard, SEO friendly URLs & BRUSH burned dashboard!

13th October 2022 Re-brand! The new look PaintSwap logo was released along with a new look homepage and site redesign.

25th October 2022 Version 3.1 release.

  • Rarity Sorting for listings The long-awaited feature is here! You can now sort listed NFTs by rarity allowing you to find the rarest NFTs with ease.
  • List View You can now choose how you want to view the marketplace, list or card view. This is now possible on all marketplace, collection and user NFT pages.
  • User Ranks Have you ever wondered how your trading stats compare to others? Wonder no longer with user high-scores, located under the stats tab you can now see who’s received, spent, sold & bought the most NFTs on PaintSwap! As well as seeing who has the oldest and newest wallets to interact with the PaintSwap contracts. Added bonus you can also do this on the collection level! See who’s trading your favourite collection.
  • Filter Listings by Price Who wants to filter by price? But you don’t want to type? No problem, use our handy new price sliders or type in the boxes. This filter also works alongside any other filter selections allowing the most granular filtering possible.
  • Donation Address A highly requested feature was the ability to donate a percentage of a sale to a charity or different address for auction houses. We’ve added this functionality into the UI, now when creating a listing you can choose to add a donation percentage and address to your sale. This will be visible on the UI to buyers on the new tabs added to listings.
  • Tracked-only Collections A default page added for unverified collections which allows you to preview your stats/pages before they are added to PaintSwap. This will be a useful feature once we track all collections by default.

28th October 2022 Goodbye old menu hello new sidebar!

14th November 2022 Upgraded collection submission with a drag and drop and crop option for banners/icons etc.

6th December 2022

  • Web3 packages updated for better stability and compatibility for desktop and mobile wallet interactions.
  • Improved gas calculation for the whole marketplace and yield farming.
  • Updated URLs on the whole marketplace for cross-chain preparation (now includes “fantom” within the URLs).

21st December 2022 Announcing our first ever live PS meetup in January next year.

28th December 2022 Lets finish the year with a bang, a huge version 3.2 update:


  • Separate financial marketplace for fNFTs with custom integration (+additional features)
  • Separate URL links for fNFT marketplace for sharing/bookmarking any page
  • User dashboard for fNFTs tokens (locked NFTs) + bubbles • Create-page for fNFT links to third-party collections
  • New powerful view for any user NFT page, grouped by collection (+advanced filter options and stats)
  • New bubble view for the overall collection page. Works with any filter (both marketplaces)
  • Tracking ALL collections! Even those not listed yet. Minimal delay for new submissions.
  • Hide unwanted collections (accessed from the setting page or any collection pages)
  • Pretty much all preparations needed for cross-chain capability (still hidden)


  • Synchronized browser tabs (edited page options in real-time without refreshing other tabs)
  • Better order of tabs in collection and user pages. Activity next to listings.
  • Renamed NFTs menu to NFT Listings
  • Renamed collection NFTs tab to “Collection”
  • Better performance when resizing the browser window
  • Averaging transaction gas fees over 30sec for less noise
  • On sale column for user/collection NFTs (list view)
  • Sale price tag on any NFT card on sale (+listing link)
  • More stats at the top of collection subpages
  • Fitting more NFTs per row on certain screen resolutions
  • Extra note if collection to be submitted already exist

What a year! Only a few updates right?! Heres to 2022 which we look back with fond memories and push forward into an even bigger and better 2023! Keep painting!

