3 ways organizations are dealing with the shortage of blockchain developers and how PAI can solve it

Community PAI TECH
Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2018

There used to be an overwhelming demand for engineers. Then it was nurses. Young men and women who dedicated themselves to studying in these fields knew they had it made. That same demand has been shifting more and more to the world of tech and blockchain is now at the forefront of this development.

But where can you get a degree in blockchain? Well, you’d be hard pressed to find even an individual course that taught the principles of blockchain or how to become a blockchain developer must less an entire bachelor’s or master’s program. It may well be a decade before the education system catches up and starts producing blockchain experts. In the meantime, how are businesses filling the demand for blockchain developers?

  1. In-house training

While this is the most direct way of meeting demand, it’s also by far the most resource intensive. This is best for industry giants like IBM with lots of time and money to train newcomers to take on the task of developing blockchain products. Big companies like IBM are integrating blockchain into their operations one step at a time. IBM already offers employees training in lots of different areas, so why not tack on blockchain?

2. Outsourcing

But smaller operations and new businesses using blockchain technology don’t have the luxury of being able to train their own employees. One of the best options for these businesses is to outsource and hire experts from outside. With skills that are in high demand, freelancers in the field are expensive but less so than spending weeks or months training new talent.

Another good option is to outsource to entire companies that are popping up to offer package blockchain services. These companies often offer the most affordable blockchain services and have the advantage of specialized expertise, all-inclusive solutions, and good experience.

3. New Collar workers

These employees have a lot in common with those who are trained in-house by companies like IBM. They don’t have college degrees in blockchain technology, but perhaps they’ve taken an individual course, have some experience with a specific element of blockchain or can be trained quickly in specific blockchain operations before being integrated into a larger team that makes up the blockchain solution altogether. The biggest challenge here is recruitment and putting all the right pieces together.

PAI is a solution that would fall best into the outsourcing category. By going with PAI, companies are basically forming a blockchain solution from an outside source. No expensive training programs or recruitment campaigns are required — everything that’s needed is already at your fingertips.

But PAI is also simpler, cheaper and more approachable than most blockchain companies that do the same work. That’s because PAI offers a system of unique bots that, when brought together in different ways, create a unique blockchain solution. Think of them as template pieces that can be mixed and matched to create the right tool. And bots are always being added to the system, ensuring that PAI keeps up with technology and adapts to the times without extensive training or updates. Blockchain can really be as easy as PAI.

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