Blockchain is about a new type of talent

Community PAI TECH
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2018

The advent of blockchain technology is nothing short of the coming of a new era. Everything has the potential to change according to the rules of blockchain, from farming and agriculture to flight and travel. But as we shift into a new era of business and economics, the workforce will have to evolve as well to meet new demands, especially decentralized app engineers and developers themselves.

Where once a developer could get by on intimate knowledge of one or two coding languages, decentralized app engineers will have to dabble in all of it while also taking on marketing and communication responsibilities as the only ways who fully understand what they’ve created from a technical standpoint.

What’s needed is a new kind of talent — and lots of it. According to Luca Horvat, chief of talent operations at Toptal, client demand for blockchain expertise has risen by more than 700% since January 2017. It would appear that there is a dualistic problem at work here. Decentralized app developers are in short supply — and so are good decentralized app developers.

There is no direct path to gaining the vast amounts of knowledge needed to be a decentralized app developer. Sure, some rare university classes and online courses will teach you the basic tenets of decentralization, but what about the practical skill you’ll need to do the job? That’s in short supply.

This means that not only must aspiring decentralized app developers work to learn the necessary coding languages and the intimate functions of blockchain, they must have the tenacity and drive to find their own way forward and learn the necessary skills.

The current difficulties involved in finding decentralized app developers with the right sets of skills are the reason for the creation of PAI. PAI allows you to create a decentralized app from scratch without finding and employing a decentralized app developer.

PAI is structured around an ecosystem of function-specific bots that can be “rented” in a manner of speaking. Once you’ve decided what kind of decentralized platform you’re trying to build, all you need to do is piece together a solution by selecting a group of bots that best fit your needs. This practice of mixing and matching gives you a unique solution that you pay for per-bot rather than paying for developers.

But developers also benefit from PAI, which can always be used to supplement their work. Developers are also rewarded by PAI for creating new bots and adding them to the PAI ecosystem. Whenever a developer’s bot gets “rented”, that developer gets paid for their work.

PAI is showing that blockchain doesn’t have to be expensive or inaccessible. It can be whatever and exactly what you need it to be.

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