How demand for blockchain developers is exploding

Community PAI TECH
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2018

From a new, theoretical technology to an impressive show of practical reality, decentralized technology and its boundless potential have taken the world by storm in the last few years. And it’s about to get even bigger.

Blockchain has already proven itself to be disruptive in the best of ways. While the development and evolution of cryptocurrencies are still in their adolescent years, they have aptly shown the ramifications of applying blockchain technology to the financial world or just about any other industry. A global financial system built on the blockchain eliminates the need for banks, though some form of general oversight or administration over the blockchain is probably a necessity.

But no banks for the average consumer means reduced costs, faster transactions, and safer information. Blockchain has the potential to have the same major effect on industries like medicine, trade, education, and entertainment. Having seen blockchain in action, demand for the technology is booming as excitement over its future applications grows.

The end of 2017 saw an explosion in demand for decentralized application developers, fueled by well-established firms like IBM that have seen the potential of blockchain and want to get ahead of the game and the growing number of new ICOs with new ideas and ways to implement blockchain to revolutionize and disrupt business as usual.

“Blockchain developer” has become the second-fastest growing jobs on the market and demand have at least doubled in 2018. All this demand has also translated into high wages as well, with freelancers on Upwork earning as much as $150 every hour. Decentralized application developers earning yearly salaries can expect around $130K yearly on average or even close to $160K in Silicon Valley and New York.

So, the blockchain industry is looking bright. But there’s a problem. There isn’t enough supply to meet all that demand. Decentralized application developers aren’t so easy to come by. There aren’t many forms of blockchain-related formal education. Just about the only way to become a decentralized application developer is through experience and independent exploration.

That’s why PAI has created a different solution. Companies that can’t gain access to a good decentralized application developer now have another option. Rather than letting their innovative ideas go to waste and essentially stunting the growth of the blockchain market, they can use PAI to piece together a unique decentralized solution to serve their needs.

PAI maintains an ecosystem that’s built on the blockchain itself. It’s made up of bots, each with a specific function. Business clients create their own decentralized solution by selecting and paying for just the bots they need, while decentralized application developers are compensated for adding new bots to the system. Thought getting into blockchain was hard? Now it’s easy as PAI.

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