Welcome to planet PAI, the world of blockchain bots built for you

Community PAI TECH
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2018

Earth has a stunning ecosystem. Jungles, deserts, mountains, tundra, plains, and forests all support an abundance of species, many of which are still unknown to science. As far as we know, the Earth might be unique in the universe, or at least a rare phenomenon, for hosting such a diverse set of life and intelligent life to boot.

But there’s at least one nearby planet with an evolving ecosystem of its own and we can visit any time we want. It’s called planet PAI.

PAI is a new solution for companies to piece together unique decentralized solutions far easier than ever before. Now you don’t need to hire expensive blockchain specialists or spend time developing your own in-house solution. But to understand PAI, it’s best to think of it as its very own planet — like ours, but populated by a growing team of bots.

PAI’s super bots are comprised of function-specific code. Each will play a unique role to play in developing decentralized applications for the end user. Biologically they may not be as complex as human beings but they have an intelligence all their own. They are self-teaching and self-correcting because PAI’s unique framework enables shared learning processes between bots. And how does the planet make money? They rent out the bot population for our use of course.

Planet PAI even has its own currency: the PAI coin. It also trades in all major cryptocurrencies and could even assist in developing customized currencies outside the current stable.

When you visit PAI to form your unique blockchain solution, you’ll interact with the steward bot that governs the planet. This bot interfaces with the entire bot community and helps you choose which bots to hire for your customized blockchain platform. The concierge bot interface is iterative, intelligent and engages with the end-user until the desired functionality is achieved.

PAI ensures sustainability by engaging the global developer community with a call to action to contribute their own bots, code, and related products to the PAI community. The greater the engagement and contribution from developers, the more diverse planet PAI becomes. This enables businesses to have access to ever-improving blockchain functionality and processes on their platform.

Developers are remunerated with PAI coin whenever one of their registered bots or code are paid for by the end-user. The process is automated and secured by using smart contracts on the PAI Marketplace.

Let’s ignore Mars and head to planet PAI, shall we?

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