The Top 10 Reasons Why Freelancers Never Leave the House

Indiana Gregg
Pajama Press
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2023

As the freelance economy continues to grow, more and more people are finding themselves working from home. And while this arrangement has its perks — no commute, flexible schedule, the ability to work in your pajamas — it also has its drawbacks.

One of the biggest challenges of working from home is the temptation to never leave the house. After all, with everything you need right at your fingertips, why bother venturing out into the cold, cruel world?

Here are the top 10 reasons why freelancers never leave the house:

  1. They’ve forgotten what the outside world looks like. It’s been so long since they’ve seen the sun that they’re not even sure it still exists.
  2. They’re saving money on gas. With no need to commute, freelancers can save a small fortune on gas.
  3. They’re saving money on clothes. No need to buy business suits or fancy dresses — pajamas are the new power outfit.
  4. They’re saving money on food. With a well-stocked kitchen, there’s no need to spend money on expensive lunches or dinners out.
  5. They’re saving money on entertainment. With a never-ending supply of movies, TV shows, and video games at their fingertips, freelancers never have to leave the house for entertainment.
  6. They’re saving money on exercise. With all the sitting they do, freelancers don’t need to pay for a gym membership — they get their daily exercise by running to the fridge.
  7. They’re saving money on haircuts. With no one to impress, freelancers can let their hair grow wild and free.
  8. They’re saving money on haircuts. With no one to impress, freelancers can let their beards grow wild and free.
  9. They’re saving money on haircuts. With no one to impress, freelancers can let their mustaches grow wild and free.
  10. They’re saving money on haircuts. With no one to impress, freelancers can let their sideburns grow wild and free.

So, the next time you see a freelancer who never leaves the house, don’t judge them — they’re just trying to save a little money so they can probably afford to get a haircut eventually.

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Indiana Gregg
Pajama Press

Hey. I'm Indy, the CEO and founder of Wedo, the app that takes care of all your problems like invoicing, contracts, comms (4k video), payments & banking.