Mahera Omar
Pakistan Animal Welfare Society
1 min readFeb 6, 2016


Citizens demonstrate for Elephants and Houbara Bustards.

On 6th February, 2016, Members of Pakistan Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), ‘Elephants – from Cells to Sanctuaries’ and ‘Mahol Dost Shehri’ along with a large number of animal loving citizens demonstrated by peacefully standing on the path leading from MT Khan Road to the Beach Luxury Hotel. The citizens were demanding that all elephants in Pakistani zoos be unchained and moved from their cells to sanctuaries. Elephants. are mistreated, chained and locked up in solitary confinement in narrow cells in Pakistani zoos. They ought to be released and allowed to live in specially created sanctuaries that resemble their natural habitat.

The demonstrators also demanded that Pakistan should review and remove its ‘pillar of foreign policy’ that is often quoted as an excuse for letting Arab Shaikhs to hunt Houbara Bustards in Pakistan. Houbara is a peaceful migratory bird whose population is decreasing every year because of large scale yearly hunting adventures permitted by the Pakistan government. The citizens demanded an immediate and complete ban on hunting of Houbara Bustards regardless of the status of their predators.



Mahera Omar
Pakistan Animal Welfare Society

Documentary filmmaker based in Karachi, Pakistan. Co-Founder and director of Pakistan Animal Welfare Society @pawspakistan