What does Feminism mean?

Amal Awais Chughtai
Pakistan Feminist Network
2 min readOct 20, 2016

The question above is the first anyone asks when you talk to them about the social movement and it often comes with a string of pre-conceived notions about what the term means.

Generally speaking, Feminism is an ongoing social movement that aims for men and women to have equal opportunities, and this includes their economic, political, personal, and social rights. However, Feminism focuses on the idea that the route to achieving this goal is through the advocacy of women’s rights.

Clearly, this is a controversial issue, and many people understand it in different ways. Personally, I see the Feminist struggle as something every human being should take part in, especially when I analyze it with the perspective of a Pakistani woman.

Even though I am Pakistani, I come from a privileged background. I have lived a life of ease. My parents could afford to send me to the best schools, to give me all I wanted, and to provide me with excellent healthcare. I recognize the privilege I hold, and that my experiences are not a complete reflection of the life of every Pakistani woman out there.

Even with that in mind, women around me, and in the rest of Pakistan being dehumanized and objectified every day. I see them being talked over and considered intellectually inferior. And I see them being harassed, raped, and murdered for having opinions, for going against social norms, and for challenging our stereotypical notions.

This is why, as Pakistanis, I feel denying the existence of the extremely unfair and unjust patriarchal society is only counter-productive, and why I feel Feminism (or at least an understanding of its beliefs) is necessary for this country.



Amal Awais Chughtai
Pakistan Feminist Network

Hardcore feminist, astrology enthusiast, and cat person currently working at a local CBO.