[MAINNET LAUNCHED] PAL Network Rings in 2019 with Mainnet Launch

PAL Network team
PAL Network
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2018

We are thrilled to announce that PAL Network’s Mainnet is now officially launched on 31st Dec 2018!

This is a monumental milestone that we wouldn’t have been able to achieve without the hard work of the entire PAL team and the tremendous support from the PAL community. Thank you for the trust and support in PAL Network’s project and our vision: building fairer insurance for the next generation!

The Mainnet release is one of our very first steps in reaching this goal. We have many exciting plans ahead, which include the launch of three new microinsurance products on 14 January 2019 to offer fair and bite-sized insurance coverage to everyday consumers. We are also offering B2B solutions to partners and insurance providers such as Insurer’s Dashboard and Marketplace to help streamline and improve their businesses, so stay tuned for more exciting news ahead!

New year, new beginnings — let’s welcome the launch of PAL Network’s Mainnet to kick-start 2019 the right way!

Helpful Links:

Github: https://github.com/policypalnet/go-pal

Token swap timeline: https://medium.com/@palnetwork_/pal-networks-token-swap-timeline-a2bbf6f6c977

PAL Mainnet Explorer: https://explorer.pal.network/

Token swap guide: TBC on 14 January 2019

About PAL Network

PAL Network is one of the fastest growing blockchain startup based in Singapore. The company built a dual-layered protocol for financial assets with the vision to build an ecosystem where individuals and partners can design and customise new financial products.

PAL Network designs insurance and finance solutions onto smart contracts within minutes. Through its APIs, PAL Network empowers its partners to cross-sell relevant insurance products at the point-of-demand, thereby bridging the gap between financial products and customer.

PAL Network is a member of Singapore Fintech Association and ACCESS. PAL Network’s affiliated entity, PolicyPal Singapore, has an active user base of 50,000 for its app, which helps users to manage, buy and optimise their insurance policies.

Currently, PAL Network has partnerships with insurance companies, FWD and Ergo, to explore potential use cases of our decentralised protocol together. Furthermore, we have also established collaborations with blockchain projects NEM, QTUM, Sentinel Protocol, MediBloc, Digix and traceto.io to offer CryptoProtect and mainstream insurance products for the projects themselves, along with their respective communities.

Learn more about PAL Network:

Website: https://www.pal.network

Whitepaper: https://www.pal.network/whitepaper

Bluepaper: https://github.com/policypalnet/ppn-blue-paper

Telegram (English): https://t.me/policypalnetwork and https://t.me/PolicyPal_ANN

Telegram (Chinese): https://t.me/PolicyPalNetworkCN

Telegram (Korean): https://t.me/PalNetwork_KR

Twitter: https://twitter.com/palnetwork_

Github: https://github.com/policypalnet

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PolicyPalNet

Blog (English): https://medium.com/@palnetwork_

Blog (Chinese): https://www.jianshu.com/u/04e398cadb84

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pal.network.official

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkgXiKIhIqSTR06tEU7L1VA

KakaoTalk: https://open.kakao.com/o/gNYy7XQ

Naver: https://blog.naver.com/palnetwork_kr



PAL Network team
PAL Network

One of the fastest growing Singapore-based blockchain startup. We build a dual-layered protocol for financial assets and an ecosystem for product customisation.