PAL Network Tech Update #8 (Nov 2018)

PAL Network team
PAL Network
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2018

Yet another monthly round-up of tech development in November! Let’s revisit some of our product and tech updates last month to rejog your memory.


Our first microinsurance product launch EarthquakeProtect was a great proof-of-concept (PoC) initiative to study our community interest. The successful launch saw a flood of responses from our community as a reaffirmation of our credibility as we move closer to our mainnet launch.

EarthquakeProtect is also a forefront of our subsequent microinsurance product launches that will be available as soon as our mainnet launches. Stay tuned!

Mainnet Developments

PAL Network is aware that the community is high-strung with anticipation for the mainnet launch, and our tech engineers are working tirelessly on the frontend and backend developments of our mainnet products. While we still keep the community in suspense, here’s what you can know about mainnet.

1 — Insurer’s Dashboard

We are creating a platform where our partners and traditional insurers can create policies with ease after our mainnet launch. The team has worked on streamlining the entire process and user experience of the dashboard.

2 — App Development

We will not only be launching an app for the mobile-first community, but also one for desktop users to provide more options for app usage on multiple devices. So far, improvements made such as mnemonic logins and secured data encryption greatly expedite our progress to mainnet launch.

We hope that by extending the desktop capabilities to mobile phones, users can easily track and navigate our products at the comfort of their homes or on-the-go.

3 — Token Swap

The token swap process is probably what the community is most keen to find out about. PAL Network is finalising on the tech developments to allow token holders to swap their tokens from Ethereum into our mainnet.

The token swap procedure has been tested on our testnet without hiccups — and we are ready to go as soon as the mainnet launches!

So, when is mainnet launching?

Understandably, there are high hopes for the PAL project. Our investors, partners and community members have waited the whole year for the mainnet launch slated for end of this month. PAL Network will not stop rolling up our sleeves and see our project come to fruition!

If you are keen to apply to be a Masternode, here is a how-it-works guide to direct you through the application steps.

About PAL Network

PAL Network is one of the fastest growing blockchain startup based in Singapore. The company built a dual-layered protocol for financial assets with the vision to build an ecosystem where individuals and partners can design and customise new financial products.

PAL Network designs insurance and finance solutions onto smart contracts within minutes. Through its APIs, PAL Network empowers its partners to cross-sell relevant insurance products at the point-of-demand, thereby bridging the gap between financial products and customer.

PAL Network is a member of Singapore Fintech Association and ACCESS. PAL Network’s affiliated entity, PolicyPal Singapore, has an active user base of 50,000 for its app, which helps users to manage, buy and optimise their insurance policies.

Currently, PAL Network has partnerships with insurance companies, FWD and Ergo, to explore potential use cases of our decentralised protocol together. Furthermore, we have also established collaborations with blockchain projects NEM, QTUM, Sentinel Protocol, MediBloc, Digix and to offer CryptoProtect and mainstream insurance products for the projects themselves, along with their respective communities.

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PAL Network team
PAL Network

One of the fastest growing Singapore-based blockchain startup. We build a dual-layered protocol for financial assets and an ecosystem for product customisation.