Seasonal Weight Maintenance

Anita Mirchandani
Paladin Health
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2022
With healthy habits, you will evolve to a healthier lifestyle without fear of ‘springing back’ to your old habits!

As you transition season to season, from warm weather to cooler temperatures to freezing, so does your mindset and so does your wellness regime. It is hard to always stay on track. Sometimes cold weather makes us crave warm, hearty stews and soups with a side of carbohydrates. Sometimes warm weather makes us imbibe in an array of cocktails. Regardless of season, here are five useful tips to help you set a healthy base all-year round.

  1. Increase your protein consumption at least 80% of the time: Swap your basmati rice for brown rice or quinoa and stick to a portion of 1/3–1/2 cup cooked. Drink a protein shake a few times during the week and focus on ingredients such as a 1–2 tablespoons of nut butter, leafy greens, water rich vegetables or low-calorie/hydrating fruits such as cucumbers and watermelon.
  2. Try intermittent fasting: The standard fasting schedule is usually 16 hours fasting and 8 hours feasting. However, if you follow a 12 hour fasting and 12 hour feasting schedule this will help your body’s digestive system perform efficiently. In addition, follow this timeline with an earlier start and an earlier finish time i.e. 7am-7pm. Eating within the sunrise/sunset pattern will parallel your body’s circadian rhythm which will help optimize digestion, metabolism and hunger cues.
  3. Smart hydration. Drinking water is a must to stay healthy. However, too much water could make you feel bloated and too little water will contribute to dehydration. Aside from drinking water, you could increase hydration through water rich foods. One of the best ways to end the day is to include an adequate “water-rich” portion of foods at dinner time. For example, 1–2 cups of salad or roasted/sauteed vegetables or a soup blend will make a difference.
  4. When in doubt, sweat it out. Sweating is a great way to release water and toxins from the body. Try for a 25–35 minute total body combination workout such as high-intensity cardio intervals, cycling, running/walking, or even hot yoga. This will help you not only de-bloat but recharge during times of lethargy.
  5. Plan your sleep. Inadequate sleep will ultimately lead to puffiness and likely poor food choices primarily because the body needs to eat to “stay awake and function.” Most people gravitate towards refined carbohydrates and sugar when they’re over tired. Try to figure out your ideal sleep zone so that you maximize sleep efficiency.



Anita Mirchandani
Paladin Health

Anita Mirchandani is a registered dietitian nutritionist, prenatal and postnatal exercise specialist, and certified fitness professional.