Google’s Powerful APIs for developers

Sachin Palewar
1 min readNov 22, 2005


We all probably know or have even used Google Search APIs, but over the period of time Google has consistently improved its tally of APIs it offers to developers to use and customise various google products and services.

Here is list as of Nov-2005

1. AdWords
2. Blogger
3. Deskbar
4. Desktop Search
5. Earth
6. Froogle
7. Gmail
8. Groups
9. Maps
11.Search Appliance
14.Web search

You can check all of them out at:

And if you hurry and use some of them, you can even win a Google T-Shirtand promotion on their developer page.



Sachin Palewar

Founded and ran @PTSNagpur for 10 Yrs. Now a Software Consulant, Business Analyst and Project Manager working remotely.