July Release! What’s New on Palmera?


As you prepare for your holidays, we understand how important it is to have a management tool that doesn’t feel like a burden but rather a place where you can easily manage your operations or simply track your organization’s progress without feeling overwhelmed. That’s why at Palmera, we have listened to your feedback and continue to improve our app so you can enjoy your holidays without worrying about your organization’s operations.

We’re excited to share the latest enhancements we’ve made to the Palmera Dashboard. In this release, we’ve improved the visualization of your Safes, and other aspects of usability, functionality, and overall aesthetics, all thanks to your feedback.

This report highlights the key achievements and completed tasks, emphasizing the improvements that will significantly enhance navigation and overall efficiency for our users.

Key Highlights

Individual View Enhancements-V2

  • Update to the Transaction Queue Inside Individual View: We have revamped the transaction queue within the individual view, providing users with a more intuitive and streamlined experience. This redesign allows users to manage their pending transactions more efficiently, offering a clear and organized overview of their transaction history.
  • Remove Vertical Card and Merge Safe Individual View with Assets: The individual view has been simplified by merging the Safe view with assets. This update eliminates unnecessary vertical cards, creating a cohesive and aggregated view where users can operate more efficiently. This consolidated view enhances navigation and allows users to manage both their transactions and DeFi positions seamlessly.
  • Order Safes by Balance When Loading Existing Safes and Optimize: We’ve enhanced the Safe loading process by ordering Safes by balance, making it easier for users to identify their most valuable Safes quickly. This optimization streamlines the process of adding Safes to new or existing dashboards, allowing users to prioritize Safes based on their relevance and balance.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Implement Optimization to Fix Issues When Users Have Many Safes: We’ve optimized the platform to handle scenarios where users manage numerous Safes, ensuring smooth performance and reducing load times.
  • If ‘All’ is Selected in the Global Selector, No Address Should Be Shown in the Sidebar: We’ve improved the global selector functionality to hide addresses in the sidebar when ‘All’ is selected, providing a cleaner interface.
  • Don’t Require Sign-In When Performing Safe Admin Actions: We’ve simplified the process for performing Safe admin actions by removing the sign-in requirement, streamlining administrative tasks for users.
  • Remove/Hide Nested Plugins in the Sidebar: We’ve cleaned up the sidebar by removing or hiding nested plugins, reducing clutter and enhancing usability.
  • Move SafeTxHash to the First Item in Advanced Details for Queued and History Transactions: We’ve reorganized the advanced details section, making the SafeTxHash more accessible for queued and history transactions.
  • Fix Assets Widget Body Horizontal Scroll: We’ve resolved an issue causing horizontal scrolling in the assets widget, ensuring a smoother and more consistent user experience.
  • Replace Address with Handle in the Favorites and History Section: We’ve updated the display in favorites and history sections to show handles instead of addresses, making it easier for users to identify and manage their Safes.
  • Send Tokens Modal Closing Issue: We’ve fixed an issue where the send tokens modal would close unexpectedly when a different origin Safe was selected, improving the stability of the modal.

And many other small fixes that will improve your experience on Palmera.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of the Palmera community!



Efficient Treasury Management for Multiple Safes
Palmera Blog

Palmera is a simple framework to create, utilize, and visualize Safe integrations, modules, and hierarchies.