Putting Family First: The SC Pregnancy Accommodations Act, Explained

Palmetto Family Council has earned its stripes over the years for advocating strong, conservative social policy. Palmetto Family led the fight for the SC Marriage Amendment and has its fingerprints on the most aggressive pro-family bills ever to pass the South Carolina General Assembly. In those fights, we have allied with other groups that would most likely be labeled by the media “on the right.”

But sometimes there are opportunities that come along for common ground on issues that aren’t about left and right but about right and wrong.

Palmetto Family fought for a fatherhood registry to help more orphan children find permanent homes. We called for racial reconciliation and a more appropriate location for the Confederate Battle Flag in the wake of the Mother Emmanuel shooting. We fought abusive predatory practices in the payday lending industry. And, we called for a biblical approach to the treatment of animals that led to stronger laws on animal fighting…

Read the rest of this article here.



Palmetto Family Council
South Carolina News from Palmetto Family Council

Trustworthy news, commentary and research concerning faith, family and freedom in South Carolina. PalmettoFamily.org