image: By Mark Jones [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Meghan Markle and Other Famous People with Simian Creases

Don’t believe in palm reading? You will soon….

Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2018


So the news is out that Meghan Markle has a simian line on her hand, Johnny Fincham (author of: The Spellbinding Power of Palmistry) and chirologist to the stars, has pointed out.

He’s also pointed out her thumb ring which suggests she seeks power, or domination over others. Johnny suspects she will be wearing the trousers in their relationship.

I doubt Johnny has read Meghan’s hands personally, just seen photographs. He wouldn’t expose this kind of personal information from a paying client. Goodness no.

Anyhoo, what is the simian crease, who else has one, and what attribute does it instil in an individual.

The standard hand has three lines, with a potential fourth.


The earth line curves around the thumb ball

The head line runs from between the forefinger and thumb downwards, across the palm to the percussive part of the palm.

The heart line runs from under the little finger in a curve to between the index and second fingers.

The fate line (which is present on those with a clearly charred path) runs from the wrist up to the middle finger.

The earth line is about bodily functions, body strength and resilience, the head line is about thought process and mental processing, the heart line deals with emotionality and the fate line, career or life path.

Where an individual has a simian crease, it has nothing to do with monkeys, it is as though the thinking process and the emotional process are merged, that thoughts and emotions cannot be easily separated.

Simian lines denote an intense personality, someone with great purpose and ambition, a pathological inner drive, a potentially explosive personality, someone with the potential to succeed at the highest level if given the right situation in which to thrive, but given the wrong situation the simian bearer has the potential to self-destruct.

One hopes that Markle will not find the Royal Family too constraining, that she is allowed to make her mark. Simian lined hands always make their mark given the opportunity.

So who else has a simian line? Famously Tony Blair and Hillary Clinton who seem somewhat pathological in their decision making, being unable to see the repercussions of their actions, and being completely driven by their own belief, even though they often have severely flawed thinking. The Iraq war and non existent WMDs was Blair’s psychopathic moment, war crimes that to this day he still defends. The unwillingness to accept the Brexit referendum, or see the irony of a former prime minister having no regard for the democratic process. Hillary (with two L’s) lacks any personal charm, and seems intent on upsetting or killing as many people as she can.

Nigel Farage also has a simian crease, with a floating heart line above, which could be a Girdle of Venus. These are present on idealists and dreamers who spent much time in their imagination, or in a perfect version of reality. Nigel is nothing if not intense.

I have a suspicion that Chris Harris of Top Gear fame has a simian crease too. Having seen a quick shot of his palm. He’s certainly ahem, driven, and I could sense from his early days that he was going to be a star.

I suspect people will say the same of Meghan Markle. I’ve not met her, but it seems to me that she wears the trousers in their relationship. Get out the way Harry! Oh, and Harry, it’s not too late for you to change your mind If you’re finding her a bit intimidating….

Next time, we’ll discuss the murderer’s thumb (aka Clubbed thumb) as sported by another Megan, Megan Fox.

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