How to Draft an Effective Security Incident Response Plan

Sridevi Sheth
2 min readNov 14, 2019

Published: August 10, 2016

When it comes to incident response and a company’s ability to manage a data breach, no organization wants to be caught off guard. The effects of an uncontrolled and poorly managed data breach can be catastrophic to businesses of all sizes, not to mention the public relations nightmare and subsequent liability that can ensue when an organization drops the ball in the wake of a cyber-attack.

Depending on the type of information that your organization handles, you may even be required to maintain a comprehensive incident response plan as part of regulatory or compliance mandates. If your company deals with sensitive patient health information (ePHI) or payment card processing data (PCI DSS), you are likely subject to certain regulatory requirements designed to provide extra protection for vulnerable consumer information. Non-compliance with these regulations can result in extensive audits and stiff penalties that can cripple an organization from a business interruption and financial perspective.

While no organization can predict every potential attack that may come its way, a thoroughly prepared organization will suffer much less fallout when a comprehensive incident response plan is adopted and in place.

Read the complete article here:

If your business needs help building an effective incident response plan that includes a comprehensive breach notification program, we can help. Contact Demisto for a free trial of Demisto Enterprise to keep your business up-and-running during any potential breaches and data disasters.


