Earthquake Safety & Steps to Prepare

Learn about ways to keep your family safe before and after an earthquake

City of Palo Alto


Earthquake preparedness is an important reminder all through the year, but more so as we get closer to the anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake on October 17. The United States Geologic Survey (USGS) forecasts a 62% chance of an earthquake measuring 6.7 magnitude before 2032; and many say California is long overdue for a major earthquake to hit. This blog provides some easy steps to prepare for an earthquake, including online tools to monitor earthquakes!

Six Earthquake Preparedness Steps to Take Now

  1. Understand the threats and hazards that exist where you live and work. The State of California has an online tool that identifies natural hazards that exist by address and what can be done to reduce their impacts. Are you in an Earthquake Shaking or Liquefaction Zone?
  2. Know when an Earthquake is happening. Because we don’t know when or where these will strike we recommend everyone download the MyShake App to be alerted seconds or even minutes before an earthquake happens. Set the filters to your desired preferences, and be sure Alerts are On in your mobile phone settings.

3. Follow the Seven Steps to Earthquake safety from the Earthquake Country Alliance. Take a few minutes to review these steps, and start now to accomplish 1 through 4.

4. Participate in the Great Shakeout. On October 15, at 10:15 am– Drop, Cover, and Hold On (Step 5) to practice your actions if an earthquake were to actually happen. Can’t do it at this time, pick a date and time that works for you. Instructions to register for the Shakeout are listed below. To Register and for more information for the Shakeout go here.

5. Stay Informed by receiving emergency alerts and notifications from the City. In Palo Alto you can visit to register for our Mass Notification System, as well as connect with us on a social media platform. To connect on social media, go to

6. Post Help/OK sign After Emergency: After an earthquake or other community wide emergency, we are asking all community members to post HELP/OK signs in the windows of your homes so your neighbors and emergency services volunteers will know if you need assistance. Many of you have posted these during the COVID emergency — it is OK to take these down for now.

More Online Resources

The Red Cross has further resources on how you can be prepared, including specific information regarding preparing for disaster during the pandemic.

Curious about where earthquakes are happening now? Check out USGS and their interactive earthquake map! USGS also has fun activities for kids to understand and get prepared for earthquakes.

Check out historical data on earthquakes with the California Department of Conservation.

Read more about the 1906 Earthquake’s impact on Palo Alto on the Palo Alto Historical Association’s website.



City of Palo Alto

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