Two City Efforts Advancing Safer and More Accessible Streets

Help inform the City’s Bike & Ped Plan update and Safe Streets for All Action Plan process

City of Palo Alto
5 min readOct 24, 2023


This month, the City launched two efforts with a shared vision of enhancing safety and accessibility for all road users, with a particular focus on vulnerable road users and active transportation methods such as walking and cycling. An impressive average of 50% of Palo Alto’s public high school students commute to school on bicycle — in part due to the past efforts to provide bicycle-friendly infrastructure within the community. Through a new effort to update the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian plan and a new focus developing a Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Safety Action Plan, the City is planning for the future of its transportation networks and shaping the future of mobility in Palo Alto. Learn more, how they are connected, and share feedback to help inform next steps.

Updating the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

An update to the existing Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan (adopted in 2012) is underway. This update is anticipated to be complete in fall 2025. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan update will include elements such as:

  • Community involvement to gain road safety insights and experiences.
  • Review of 2012 Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan implementation progress and development of recommendations for new policies, facilities, and programs.
  • Safety data analysis, consideration of emerging technologies, and planning for expanded bicycling and walking.

Learn more at

A Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan Serves Everyone

The City’s bicycle and pedestrian transportation plan is an important guiding document that seeks to reduce traffic congestion by promoting alternative transportation and enhances safety by implementing strategies to make streets safer for cyclists and pedestrians.

It also promotes sustainable transportation by encouraging eco-friendly modes of transportation, improves public health by promoting physical exercise through biking, walking, and other active transportation modes, and increases accessibility by ensuring cities are navigable for everyone. Last but not least, it aligns with State and regional goals, connecting to a broader network of transportation options.

Safe Streets for All Safety Action Plan: Towards Zero Traffic Fatalities

The Safe Streets for All Safety Action Plan effort kicked off in August 2023 and is anticipated to conclude by May 30, 2025., This plan will help the City achieve it’s Comprehensive Plan goal to eliminate traffic deaths and life-changing injuries on local streets.

The Safe Streets for All Safety Action Plan will apply the Safe System Approach, which involves a culture that places safety first and foremost in road system investment decisions, increasing collaboration across stakeholders, and refocusing transportation system design and operation to anticipate human mistakes and reduces crash severity and saves lives. In addition, having a Safe Streets for All Safety Action Plan allows the City to compete for additional funding to implement elements in the Plan.

Creating the plan includes gathering community input about road user safety for all travel modes, identifying corridors and intersections that need enhancements and applying the Safe Systems approach to the transportation network, and working towards more equitable safety practices on roadways and exploring low-cost, high-impact strategies to improve safety and enhance mobility citywide.

Safe Streets for All Action Plans Focus on Safety and Accessibility

“Safe Streets for All” action plans help create safer and more accessible streets. The City’s plan will encompass a range of strategies including prioritizing pedestrians, cyclists, and motorist safety to reduce traffic accidents and enhance infrastructure for walking, cycling and other active transportation modes.

Other important focus areas include:

  • Making streets accessible for all, including those with disabilities.
  • Implementing measures to deter speeding and aggressive driving.
  • Raising awareness about road safety.
  • Incorporating sustainability into street design.
  • Using data to inform decisions and track safety goals.
  • Engaging various stakeholders for effective plan implementation to ensure the plan reflects local needs and concerns.

Two Efforts, Connected Vision

The City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan update and Safe Streets for All Safety Action Plan development are intertwined to create a safe, and accessible transportation network for all. Using community feedback, safety data, and the implementation of innovative strategies, these efforts will enhance the City’s transportation network. Collectively gaining feedback about roadway safety and community experiences will inform both projects and shape a transportation network that reflects the community’s needs and desires.

The community is encouraged to participate in an online survey and share your experiences on the interactive map. Both engagement options will be open through the end of November 2023.

Take the Survey

Interactive Map

Both projects are rooted in a shared vision of enhancing safety and accessibility for all road users, with a particular focus on vulnerable road users. They align with the City’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan and the Sustainability/Climate Action Plan, ensuring that the strategies developed are sustainable and support the City’s broader objectives.

In addition to the survey and interactive map, there are several discussions planned to gain community feedback.

Upcoming Meetings (Fall 2023 — Early 2024)

  1. Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Updates — Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee (PABAC): November 7, 2023
  2. Safe Streets for All Safety Action Plan Development — Informational Report sent to City Council: November 13, 2023
  3. Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Updates — City/School Traffic Safety Committee (CSTSC): November 16, 2023
  4. Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Updates — Planning and Transportation Commission (PTC): November 29, 2023
  5. Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Updates — Rail Committee Meeting: December 5, 2023
  6. Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Updates — City Council: Early 2024

More Online Resources

For more on the City’s Bike and Ped Plan Update, go to

For more on the City’s Safe Streets for All Action Plan Process, go to



City of Palo Alto

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