Weekly City Manager Updates: April 22, 2024

City of Palo Alto
Published in
5 min readApr 25, 2024

City Manager Ed Shikada shares brief updates at each Council meeting, highlighting details about upcoming events, City services, and City Council discussions planned. His comments are summarized through our Palo Alto Connect Medium.com series to catch up on City issues and gain the latest news.

Watch Ed share updates from the April 22, 2024 Council meeting.

Timestamped City Council Video: City Council Meeting — April 22, 2024

Ed shared two verbal updates in advance of other updates.

Last week the City Attorney, Police Chief, and City Manager finalized information in response to concerns raised about public rallies at the Civic Center (King Plaza). Notably, the City has specifically designated use of King Plaza/Civic Center as a site for political demonstrations, except when conflicting with civic and governmental uses. In doing so, the City must be mindful of both its responsibility to ensure public safety and its obligation to protect community members’ First Amendment right to peaceful demonstration. In light of this, staff have reviewed the March rally and concluded that no charges are warranted based on circumstances we are aware of. Reports from the rally that took place Sunday, April 21 were positive.

Council have recently received lots of emails about the Palo Alto Airport. FAA guidelines and design require considering runway changes that will ultimately go to City Council. No recommendation has been brought forward to expand the runway.

Happy Earth Day!

The Earth Day Festival yesterday was success as the community celebrated sustainability and taking climate action.

This Earth Day, let’s continue the momentum:

  • Switch to a heat pump water heater
  • Go Electric at your home or business
  • Volunteer with a local organization
  • Bike or walk to school and work
  • Take the Planet Protection Pledge

As a community, we can create a greener future.

Learn more about the City’s sustainability efforts at www.cityofpaloalto.org/Sustainability

City Council Priority Objectives Update

A new series highlights each City Council priority and the 78 objectives that advance their 2024 priorities. In honor of Earth Month, the first update focuses on the Climate Change & Natural Environment — Protection & Adaptation 2024 priority. There are 23 distinct initiatives and projects that are timebound, measurable, advances the City’s goals addressing climate action and sustainability, and furthers Palo Alto’s natural environment. Learn about ways you can take action to support reaching our climate action and sustainability goals.

Read this first report at www.cityofpaloalto.org/CouncilPrioritiesSeries1.

Palo Alto City Libraries Closed May 1

Palo Alto libraries will be closed on Wednesday, May 1 for an all-day staff development training. All five locations will reopen on their next regularly scheduled day. As a reminder, the eLibrary is open 24/7.

Find library hours and locations at www.cityofpaloalto.org/LibraryHours.

May Fete Parade & Fair Celebrates 100 Years

The 100-Year Anniversary of May Fete is Saturday, May 4 from 10 a.m. — 1 p.m. Connect as a community, join in the parade (or watch) and end at the May Fete Fair, hosted by Kiwanis Club of Palo Alto.

In honor of the 100th Anniversary, consider dressing up in costume from your favorite decade over the past 100 years. You can also join the City of Palo Alto Friends, Family, and Pets group.

Teens: Looking for a volunteer opportunity? We need you! Find the volunteer application online.

Learn more, register your group, and apply to volunteer at www.cityofpaloalto.org/MayFete.

Notable Tentative Upcoming Council Items

April 29 Transportation Workshop

  • Bicycle & Pedestrian Transportation Plan Update
  • Rail Grade Separation

April 30

· Board and Commission Interviews

May 6

  • City Manager Transmittal: Proposed FY 2025 Budget
  • Study Session: Independent Police Auditor
  • Study Session: Workforce Recruitment Strategic Plan Review
  • 800 San Antonio Road Public Hearing

May 13

  • Study Session: FY 2025 Proposed Budget
  • Site and Design for Local Advanced Water Purification System
  • Annual Review of Council Policy and Procedures

Tuesday, June 18

  • Reserve for special Council meeting

Find City Council meeting agendas, minutes, and videos at cityofpaloalto.org/councilagendas.

Read past City Manager Weekly Updates and provide your input about these comments at: CityofPaloAlto.org/CityManagerUpdates.

Council Actions Summary April 22, 2024

Quarry Road Transit Connection: Adopted a resolution of intention to call an election to undedicate a portion of El Camino Park for a new transit connection.

Historic Properties Designation: Voted to add 16 properties to the City’s Historic Resources Inventory, and directed staff to continue outreach to eligible property owners, place future additions with expressed owner interest on the Consent Calendar, and to return to Council with evaluations on alternatives for a process to remove properties.

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City of Palo Alto

Official communications from the City of Palo Alto. Connect about issues of interest to our community. Follow us on social media: www.cityofpaloalto.org/connect