Weekly City Manager Updates: October 7, 2024
City Manager Ed Shikada shares brief updates at each Council meeting, highlighting details about upcoming events, City services, and City Council discussions planned. His comments are summarized through our Palo Alto Connect Medium.com series to catch up on City issues and gain the latest news.
Watch Ed share updates from the October 7, 2024 Council meeting.
Timestamped City Council Video: City Council Meeting — October 7, 2024
Voter Information and Resources
Ballots will begin arriving in mailboxes Monday, October 7. Vote-by-Mail ballots can be returned by mail, at a ballot drop-off location, or at a vote center.
Key dates coming up:
- Monday, October 21 — last day to register to vote
- Tuesday, October 29 — last day to request a replacement mail-in ballot
- Tuesday, November 5 — Election Day
Palo Alto specific Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters Official Ballot Drop Boxes are located at City Hall, Palo Alto High School, Mitchell Park Library, and Rinconada Library.
Palo Alto Vote Centers: Palo Alto Art Center Auditorium, Ventura and Mitchell Park Community Centers, Palo Alto Buddhist Temple, Barron Park Elementary School, Elks Lodge
Learn more and find election details at www.cityofpaloalto.org/Elections.
Community Survey Extended to October 21
The Annual Community Survey deadline was extended for two weeks and is open to all residents. The survey is an opportunity for Palo Alto residents to provide input on current services, programs, and unmet needs and priorities. If you received the survey in the mail, please complete that survey or use the unique link you received to take it online.
Survey closes Monday, October 21
Take the survey at www.cityofpaloalto.org/CommunitySurvey2024 .
October Events & Meetings
Fall favorites return, new events and meetings coming up this month:
- October 8 — Climate Protection Working Group Meeting
- October 9 — Police Equipment (AB 481) Community Meeting
- October 10 — Downtown Housing Plan Open House
- October 12 — Fire Station 5 Open House
- October 15 — Creating a Safer Community: Understanding & Defining Hate Crimes
- October 19 — What We Sow in Cultivating our Places
- October 19 — Pollinator Plants Walk & Talk
- October 20 — Fall Family Day at the Art Center
- October 25 — Jack-O-Jaunt
Find these events and more at www.cityofpaloalto.org/OctoberEvents.
Palo Alto 2025 Minimum Wage
Palo Alto’s new 2025 Minimum Wage, effective January 1, 2025, is $18.20. The minimum wage requirement applies to all employees who work two (2) hours per week within Palo Alto. The City adjusts the minimum wage on January 1 of each year, based on the Bay Area Consumer Price Index as published by the U.S. Department of Labor. Courtesy mailed notification to businesses and other communications planned with additional resources available at www.cityofpaloalto.org/minimumwage.
Notable Tentative Upcoming Council Items
October 21
- State & Local Ballot Measures
- Planning and Transportation Commission, Historic Resources Board, and Architectural Review Board Work Plans
October 28
Study Sessions:
- Sustainability & Climate Action Progress
- Non-Profit Relationships
November 4
- Council Technology Reimbursement P&S Committee Recommendations
November 12 (special meeting)
- Several Zoning Changes
November 18
- Study Session: IPA Bi-Annual Discussion
- Stream Corridor Ordinance Update
- Fair Chance Ordinance
- Impact Fees
Stay engaged and informed with the City Council portal at www.cityofpaloalto.org/CouncilAgendas.
Council Action Summary
Council Actions
Parks & Recreation Commission Workplan: Approved the PRC Fiscal Year 2025 Workplan. Additionally, directed the Commission to evaluate middle school athletic programs to provide recommendations and requested staff to hold a study session on park dedication.
Public Art Commission Workplan: Approved the FY2025 Workplan with direction to plan for arts at Cubberley in collaboration with the artists.
Palo Alto Unified School District Memorandum of Understanding: Authorized the City Manager to execute the purchase and lease of the Cubberley site and proceed with next steps including master planning.
Be Informed & Stay Connected
Gain emergency alerts and other updates: CityofPaloAlto.org/Connect
- Catch up on the latest City news through signing up for digital newsletters: CityofPaloAlto.org/newslettersignup
- Sign Up for Open Town Hall to share input through online surveys
- Attend events and meetings: CityofPaloAlto.org/Calendar
- View the City of Palo Alto Website: CityofPaloAlto.org
- Find City Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes: CityofPaloAlto.org/CouncilAgendas
- Search for Services Near You
- City Manager Comments Survey: CityofPaloAlto.org/citymanagerupdates