Weekly City Manager Updates: September 9, 2024

City of Palo Alto
Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2024

City Manager Ed Shikada shares brief updates at each Council meeting, highlighting details about upcoming events, City services, and City Council discussions planned. His comments are summarized through our Palo Alto Connect Medium.com series to catch up on City issues and gain the latest news.

Watch Ed share updates from the September 9, 2024 Council meeting.

Timestamped City Council Video: City Council Meeting — September 9, 2024

City Hall Open House: September 18

We’re looking forward to engaging with the community at our first City Hall Open House on September 18 from 3 to 5 p.m.

Modeled after our successful Municipal Service Center (MSC) Open House, get a “behind the scenes” look at the diverse work groups that help shape and support our work for the community. Find out where the City Council does their work, learn about City services and careers in public service, and enjoy games and prizes.

This will be a family friendly event with games and prizes.

Learn more and bookmark www.cityofpaloalto.org/CityHallOpenHouse.

Palo Alto Community Survey Reminders

One of the many ways we gain valuable insights from residents is the Palo Alto Community Survey, which was initially sent via mail to a statistically valid sample of Palo Alto residents. Please take the survey if you received it in the mail, it will be available online on September 16. Keep your information secure by knowing a survey is coming from an official source like the City of Palo Alto, and other safety reminders.

Learn more at www.cityofpaloalto.org/CommunitySurvey2024 .

Parks & Recreation Commission Recruitment

The City is recruiting for one partial-term seat on the Parks & Recreation Commission, expiring in March 2026.

The Parks & Recreation Commission advises the City Council on planning and policy related to the goals and services provided by the Open Space & Parks, Golf, and Recreation Divisions. Those interested in applying must do so by the Oct. 6 deadline.

For more, visit www.cityofpaloalto.org/PRC.

New Building Codes Take Effect Oct. 4

The City has required sustainable, climate-friendly construction for years to protect the local environment, reduce air pollution, and achieve its climate goals.

Subject to California Energy Commission approval, new enhanced energy efficiency codes will take effect in Palo Alto on October 4, 2024, allowing both all-electric and mixed fuel construction and requiring all new and altered buildings to comply with enhanced energy efficiency codes.

Learn about the upcoming changes and join a virtual information session on Friday, Sept. 20 at 9 a.m. If you have a construction project planned in Palo Alto, this is a great opportunity to learn about the upcoming changes you need to know.

For more, visit www.cityofpaloalto.org/GreenBuilding2024.

Upcoming Fall Events & Activities

There are many opportunities to connect, learn, and participate in the City and community over the next couple of weeks:

Learn more at www.cityofpaloalto.org/FallEvents.


September 16

  • Study Session: Caltrain Electrification
  • Study Session: Palo Alto Airport Long Range Planning

September 23

  • Procurement Audit P&S Committee Recommendations

September 30

  • Closed Session Items

October 7 and Beyond

  • Study Session: Nonprofit Relationships
  • HRC, PAC, PRC Commission Workplans

October 7 and Beyond (continued)

  • Position on State & Local Ballot Measures
  • Parks and Rec Commission Interviews
  • Independent Police Auditor Bi-annual
  • Study Session: Sustainability & Climate Action Progress
  • Planning and Transportation Commission, Historic Resources Board, and Architectural Review Board Work Plans
  • Retail Revitalization

Please note there will be no Council meeting on Monday, October 14 in recognition of Indigenous Peoples Day​.

Stay engaged and informed with the City Council portal at www.cityofpaloalto.org/CouncilAgendas.

Council Action Summary

No actions taken.




City of Palo Alto

Official communications from the City of Palo Alto. Connect about issues of interest to our community. Follow us on social media: www.cityofpaloalto.org/connect