How can influencers help your brand?

Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2017

Influencer marketing is the new big thing, and it is part of a trend that will intensify in the years to come. It is about targeting key and influential personalities rather than your overall target.

75% of brands — mainly from the cosmetics and fashion industries — already incorporate influencer marketing strategies into their strategies and action plans.

These brands use the influence of bloggers, Instagram pros and Youtubers to launch new trends, new products, and new shops.

What about yourself, have you integrated influencer marketing in your yearly budget?

How to Use Influencer Marketing? You launch a new product, send it to a blogger, who will realize a review or a tutorial of this product for free. These contents, once written, will be shared and commented on social networks by thousands of consumers.

What could an influencer do for your brand?

- Develop your brand awareness and your audience: bloggers, thanks to the content they create for you, give additional visibility to your products.

- Create engagement: the conversations generated by the content published by bloggers are a good way for you to publicize your products, improve them and involve your audience even more.

- To gain confidence: influencers’ recommendations are considered to be much more reliable and authentic than the contents created by the brands.

- Increase sales: because influencers recommend your products, their fans and followers will look to get these products. Some studies mention a conversion rate multiplied by 10.

- Educate and escort your targets: influencers can create for your products photos, videos and contents that are much more adapted and appreciated by hyper connected consumers.

- Optimize your SEO: your site’s evaluation by search engines can be optimized due to the links from major social networks’ influencers to your site.

- Manage your reputation: influencers can divert or reverse negative opinions and stimulate positive opinions.

Still not convinced of the usefulness of Influencer Marketing?

These few numbers should persuade you:

  • 4 billion: The number of YouTube videos watched every day, which represents 4% of the global internet traffic.
  • 60% of Internet users are ready to buy a product recommended by a Youtuber.
  • 96% of young people watch YouTube videos, on average for 11 hours a week.
  • 93% of marketers that have used influencers note that influencer marketing strategies have resulted in better visibility results.

With all that, we can really say that Influencer Marketing will help your brand.

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