How to effectively work with Influencers?

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4 min readAug 10, 2017

Over a few years, influencers have become brand spokespersons, as well as celebrities. While most have started their digital adventure by passion, many are living from it today. Some of them have even more influence than journalists and traditional media outlets. Followed by thousands or even millions of subscribers on social networks, these new players have a power of influence coveted by brands wanting to increase their visibility and their notoriety on social networks.

Partnering with influencers can therefore be particularly effective and beneficial for brands. If many want to take the wave of influencer marketing, it’s sometimes difficult to apprehend and understand the codes of these new trades.

But then, how to properly work with influencers?

How to detect the ideal influencer?

For a digital campaign to be effective, the chosen influencer must be adapted to the project. But what is an influencer? And how to identify the ideal influencer?

What is an influencer?

An influencer is a person who, through his exposure and his recommendations, can influence the purchasing behaviour of consumers. This power of influence seduces brands, who seek to form partnerships with these new digital actors. Its added value lies in the trust granted to them by their followers that comes with a real power of influence in the purchasing and experience decision.

With Youtubers and Instagrammers, bloggers are among the most influential influencers. They emerged only twenty years ago in the West and the phenomenon of blogs is experiencing a dazzling rise. In 2017, there are an estimated 207 million blogs in the world, compared to 156 million in 2011. The digitalization of thoughts has fostered the attractiveness of these new media. Blogs allow individuals (now professionals) to share their opinions, influencing the shopping behavior of Internet users.

There are three types of influencers:

  • Celebrities: they have a great popularity on social networks and provide brands with their visibility and their notoriety;
  • Niche influencers: they benefit from an increased legitimacy in their sector, federating a committed audience close to their interests;
  • Micro-influencers: they address a smaller community, they are appreciated for their authenticity, their proximity and their followers’ higher engagement rate.

Identify the influencer fitting your communication project

If well chosen, influencers can contribute to amplify the assimilation of the message to the target audience by 56% and purchasing intentions by 27% (Pample Observatory).

  • Target the influencer according to his field of expertise (fashion, travel, cooking …) and his community: Pample allows you to identify the influencers category, which is one of the key to target the right audience for your campaign.
  • Ensure that the values ​​of the influencer are in line with those of the brand in order to bring credibility to the campaign.
  • Measure the influencer impact through data: Pample enables you to look at the audience size, socio-demographic profiles, interests and community engagement rate of the chosen influencer. Those insights enable brands to take the right decision and start a campaign on the right foot.

What kind of relationship should you have with an influencer?

Alongside the advent of social networks, new opinion leaders have emerged. Conscious of their impact on consumers, brands integrate influencers and influencer marketing more often to their strategies.

But how to work with influencers? And what are the advantages of using Pample?

How to work with them?

  • Give them consideration

Although their professionalism is often questioned, influencers are real allies of brands. Consequently, they should be considered as such and a proper remuneration should be offered to them. If some influencers still receive rewards in kind (gifts, parties, travel …), this is less and less the case in practice.

  • Set up a clear and precise path

Due to the increase in the number of solicitations (and their busy schedules), brands must define precisely the nature of the communication campaign (product placement, sponsored posts, review …) in order to avoid confusion and misunderstandings.

  • Trust the influencer

The influencer is primarily appreciated for his “universe”, his style, his personality … To ensure success (and credibility) of a digital campaign, we must trust the influencer chosen… and his creativity. For example, the partnership between Andy Raconte and Tinder is an example of effective product placement since this YouTuber with 3 million subscribers was able to promote Tinder using her legendary humor and creativity. Mainly followed by the 12–25 years (Tinder’s target), she was therefore a true ally of the brand.

The advantages of working with Pample

The SaaS platform Pample gives you the opportunity to identify, contact and work with the right influencer. The choice of influencer is critical to the success or failure of your campaign. A partnership with the right influencer can increase brand visibility and brand awareness on social networks.

Pample’s tools and expertise, and a thorough knowledge of the influencer marketing market, are a great value added and a guarantee of success for your brand. Thanks to our SaaS tools, you can measure the impact and the scope of your actions live at any point of the campaign in order to quantify its success and to consider new alternatives when underperforming.

To learn more about influencer marketing, please see our other blog posts; and if you want to set up an influencer marketing campaign, do not hesitate and contact us directly!

Signup for free to our Influencer Marketing Platform that matches Brands and Influencers at

