Influencer Marketing Opportunities

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4 min readJun 18, 2017

Every day, consumers spend an average of 2h30 on social networks. And 1/3 of them claim to have already bought a product after reading a recommendation on a blog.

The Internet therefore holds a prominent place in the lives of consumers, but also in their purchasing behavior. How to use this trend to promote your brand to Internet users?

“Influencer Marketing appears as the ultimate answer!”

Today, getting the most out of digital channels is a strong problem for brands . Emailing, advertisements on search engines, ads on social networks … There are many devices to try to target the “online” generations. But they are often considered too intrusive and generate low profitability. In this context, influencer marketing is a particularly attractive way for brands to gain visibility and commitment on the web. We update you on its opportunities:

Build an attractive brand image:

Influencer Marketing’s principle is hardly new. The latter proposes to brands to surround themselves with ambassadors who will promote them on the web.

Objective: To increase their attractiveness to consumers.

By taking advantage of the audience and the influence of the selected ambassador, the brand ensures that it reaches and appeals to a wide audience. All while improving its brand image, the sympathy capital of the retained influencer spilling on it.

In traditional marketing, these influencers are most often stars: actors of the cinema, famous footballers, media personalities …

On the web, their profile is more varied. They are mainly bloggers, or people who are very active on social networks. For example, we will talk about Youtubers for those who regularly broadcast Youtube videos to their communities, Instagrammers for Instagram enthusiasts, and so on.

Despite the diversity of their profiles, web influencers all have one thing in common: they arouse a strong enthusiasm among consumers, who appreciate their personality and talents. By using influencers, the brands then benefit from a transfer of affection of these influencers to their offer.

For example, consumers who appreciate a particular beauty influencer will tend to associate her qualities (naturalness, freshness, femininity …) with the brands she speaks for. Of course, this transfer becomes increasingly powerful through the collaborations between a brand and an influencer, hence the interest of establishing a regular partnership with him.

Gain visibility:

But that’s not all ! In addition to building an attractive brand image, influencer marketing allows brands to reach extremely large audiences. And thus to develop their visibility and their notoriety with a targeted public.

The influencer will indeed open his community to the benefit of and to the brand that contacts him. The deal is simple: for remuneration (in cash and stumbles or various advantages: invitations to parties, free products …), the influencer will recommend the brand to his audience.

We therefore understand the interest of brands to collaborate with influencers on the web, especially if they are new brands or that have lately become digital channels. Indeed, it will be very difficult for them to naturally acquire an important audience. They are likely to face extremely high competition: sites with more seniority often have a significant advantage in terms of referencing … and have already conquered and retained their share of audience.

Two solutions are offered to these brands: invest heavily in advertisements (on search engines and / or social networks), or turn to influencer marketing. If the first option is not to be discarded, the second option often offers better profitability.

Why does it? Simply because influencers’ sayings appear more natural and authentic to the eyes of Internet users than an advertisement. It is not the brand that speaks, but a trusted third party: the message has more impact and is more credible. This is the power of the social recommendation, particularly suitable when engaging consumers…

Engaging consumers:

We live in a time when consumers are particularly attentive and sensitive to the opinions of their peers.

Before buying a product, they will for example nearly always search the web to read consumer reviews. They will be able to discover what other people have thought of this product, and build their own opinion.

On some sites, they will even have the opportunity to interact directly with other customers, through chat rooms or forums. Several positive answers and they will be conquered. But if some Internet users share their bad experience with your products or your brand, customers might become wary.

Social recommendation is therefore a tendency not to neglect. Beyond customer feedback, influencer marketing allows brands to hit hard. An influencer is indeed known to his community to be an expert on a given subject, and not a simple consumer. His word is gold, and Internet users will be particularly inclined to trust him.

That’s why we speak of “influencers”: these people are characterized by their capacity to engage their community. They directly influence consumers’ purchasing behavior. They want to get the same product as the influencer (transfer of affect) or simply listen to his recommendations before buying a product (relationship of trust).

Influencer Marketing has significant strengths to help brands emerge on the web. It allows them to work directly on their brand image, their visibility and their ability to engage consumers. It is therefore an indispensable marketing lever, which should attract more and more brands over time. According to a study conducted by the Duke School of Business, the budget devoted to it continues to grow every year (+ 44% over the last two years).

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